Why are you quoting me? I'm not the one that made the claim to duo snorri.Duoing a boss means you and one other toon killed it from the start to finish, not grabbing it at half health. I'm not sure killing snorri with 2 toons is all that impressive at this point in the game considering its been done a lot by now
But why is this in general chat and not in your specific server?
Also, after u got lock a few confused ppl helped u with the kill. So deff not a duo. But it reminds me of this one time when u and ur little friend tried snorri 6. U both had 2 toons there (that's a total of 4 for the mathematically challenged) and u wiped. What a waste of, what was it, 15 lixs between all 4 toons. Then there was another fun lock battle, and I believe sylph/elem took the kill that day.
The moral of the story here is that u can't duo snorri 6, ur just blowing smoke. And the attempt might have been impressive if not for the wasted lixs.
Re: Snorri 6* - Duoed
#31Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue
Noah Fences 220 Rogue