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Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:46 pm
by mdimarco
MarcusD here,

I just started the clan Advocate after leaving Elementals. The reason I left was the heirarchical socialist system that is common to many clans. Other clans force you to give all drops to the clan and the leaders take the best items and distribute the rest.

I dont like that kind of socialist dictarorship, so I decided to start my own clan based on capitalistic freedom.

In this clan you have the freedom to give, sell, or keep all your drops.

It is perfect starting a capitalistic clan in a socialist world because prices for quest drops are low since other clans dont have to buy them. This encourages people in my clan to give drops to each other in their own free will, since it is hard to sell anyway.

What really will set this clan apart is members will be able to generate more gold than in any other clan!

This list is for members of Advocate to post what they need or have to give/sell.

If you are not a member of the clan you can still participate in this discussion and list items you have to give/sell or what you need.

Good luck and stay cool Beleneus!

-MarcusD Lvl 106 mage Chieftan of Advocate

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:12 am
by mdimarco
1 post per person, please just keep editing your same post.


For trade:

Red rem rock
yellow rem of earth
earth tablet of obsidian
water tablet of slate
Gold Goblet

Edited 7-23-12

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:13 pm
by DeezDruid
For trade. -Black remnant of Earth. Sincerally~DeezDruid

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:59 am
by Vix
Reasons for doing this is actually to help clan members get armour and weapons they cannot always get themselfs
Think Elementals has the most people with frozen. Due to this

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:28 pm
by mdimarco
The issues with that way is; lack of gold, lack of personal freedom, and potential for corruption. Corruption meaning things are not distributed equally and the leaders always have the best. Also it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain that system, my method is effortless. Also that method necessarily discriminates between clans, while in my method drops can move between clans freely, since my goal is unity not division.

Last but not least my method keeps the excitement of getting drops alive. People know that they have the freedom to do what they want with drops so they are enthused about getting drops. In the socialist method people dread getting drops because they have to turn it in, and people are tempted to sneak drops if no one saw them.

The reason the Elementals have the most frozen is because they have the most high level people continuously killing OTW bosses. Beleneus is a new world and the Elementals simply have a monopoly on the otw bosses.

I sincerely invite the Elementals to adopt this system and try it out. I really think it will work well for you since you already have so much unity. You won't regret trying.



Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:27 am
by 4518Marchen
This is what made me leave my last clan, except it was from another clan I got the bullsh*t.

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:10 am
by mdimarco
This is what made me leave my last clan, except it was from another clan I got the bullsh*t.
What do you mean?

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:37 pm
by Rhysjm
This also opens up a whole new world of 'peer pressure' to give drops to other clan members or to bank them, this could very easily further to being bullying..

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:58 pm
by Tigger1197
This also opens up a whole new world of 'peer pressure' to give drops to other clan members or to bank them, this could very easily further to being bullying..
Such as a general telling a clansman to give him drop or he will be kicked.

Re: Clan Advocate trade list

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:19 pm
by Criminal
anc plate gauntlets
page 1+2 for ranger (Seraffa)
page 1 for rogue (Krest)
page 2+5 for druid (Creginus)
2 Energy potions (restores 500)
super combain elixer
4 leystone frag

i have also 69k to offer for things

looking for diamond (battelmist, chromos, etc.) parts (every part, helm, armour, legs, etc.)
looking for good offhand (im really want golden ice blade, but thats a lot more than i can afford)

talk with me at the game