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Advocate clan recruiting policy

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:08 pm
by mdimarco
This isn't a change persay, but an addition onto the recruiting policy at Advocate.

We will still recruit lvl 1-150+

The difference will be WHO we recruit. It will no longer be "allow anyone in". And I don't care about the players level.

Basically the goal here is to allow those into the clan that agree with our philosophy in Advocate.

That philosophy is:

1. have a heart to help people (doesn't mean you always have to help, you don't. Don't be afraid to say "no")
2. be respectful of other people, especially high levels since they have lots of responsibility (no begging, spamming, pestering, condemning, ect)
3. value a generous capatilistic approach to drops (drops that you get are your own property)
4. are devoted to disciplining others where necessary (as guardians and generals)
5. don't show favoritism (treating all others well, to those in clan and outside clan)

Now, how to make sure people agree with that philosophy before recruiting is the hard part. The easiest way is have them visit this forum and read this post and ask them to summarize it and ask them if they agree. If they have some issues with the philosophy that is good. Lets discuss it. Just because they don't agree with everything doesn't mean they aren't on track to join.

If at any time it becomes obvious by thier actions that they do not hold to the basic philosophy outlined above, then they should be disciplined (demotion, temp kick) or kicked. this is not out of anger but to help them to find a clan that they agree with more. There are plenty of good clan's out there. And they will always be welcomed back if they change thier mind.

Re: New Advocate recruiting policy!

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:56 am
by Killermandude
Thanks for taking me in.


Re: Advocate clan recruiting policy

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:18 am
by mdimarco
so, bumping because i have no other choice until this is made a sticky.

Re: Advocate clan recruiting policy

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:24 pm
by pinsball
Would i be able to join my celtic heroes name is pins1

Thx, Pins1

Re: Advocate clan recruiting policy

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:35 am
by mdimarco
Would i be able to join my celtic heroes name is pins1

Thx, Pins1
Sure thing. Just find someone in advo and tell them you read the rules from the forum and want to join.