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Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:34 am
by M1ke
I didn't leave elementals because I was ksed on alt and over reacted, followed up by and arguement inside clan chat. The main reason why is left is KG!! She pisses me off, I would rather quit game then to be In same clan as her.

She calls me names then has the damn nerves to ask me to be respectful and to not disrespect her, hell with that.

I'd rather stay out of clan or just quit the game again!

Sorry fello elementals it's best me to leave then to cause clan drama :)

Re: Leaving Elementals and Why;

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:01 am
by Criminal
sry to hear, like i said move to LL if u look for a lot of strong ppl, u can also join Pantheon
but if u wanna start ur own clan good luck =]

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:04 am
by KiyKiy
Fear not, all has been solved and mike is back in his rightful home :)

a sacrifice was made, but im sure we can live with it.

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:12 am
by Criminal
yea noticed that, gl there this time mike

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:45 am
by mdimarco

this is a prime example of selling out on all parties involved. Nothing has changed in elementals since I left :lol:

I can't imagine who would want to be in this clan. Horrible leadership.

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:01 am
by Alishia

this is a prime example of selling out on all parties involved. Nothing has changed in elementals since I left :lol:

I can't imagine who would want to be in this clan. Horrible leadership.
Wow feeling sort of slapped across the face on this one :( I would not exactly blame teenage drama on the leadership and I'm not sure who 'sold out'

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:36 am
by mdimarco
The clan has to have principles on which decisions are made. Not just one person complains and threatens to quit over another so the other is kicked.

I don't know all the facts to tell what I would have done exactly, but for one I probably would have let Mike go in this situation, if he wasn't such a high level you probably would have too. That's the selling out I'm referring to.

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:08 am
by Alishia
The clan has to have principles on which decisions are made. Not just one person complains and threatens to quit over another so the other is kicked.

I don't know all the facts to tell what I would have done exactly, but for one I probably would have let Mike go in this situation, if he wasn't such a high level you probably would have too. That's the selling out I'm referring to.
No disrespect intended but you said it yourself...u don't know all the facts. No one was kicked..they fought..they left the clan. They are both high levels and had a personal fight which was not clan related.

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:28 pm
by M1ke
hahahah wtf Marcus what are you saying, i could never imagane you in Elementals :)
Leadership your saying we have bad leadership?? ohh no lol, what happened in clan had nothing to do with leadership. Me and Killergoddess have never gotten along and never will, that is a fact. Like Alishia said, no one was kicked by clan leaders..... What happened wasnt even realated to the clan and how tighty the bolts were screwed, Darc is a great leader and always will be.. < Fact!!

But, Since you wanna bring up "leadership" id like to point out a few things of how well your leadership if that what you call what your doing has effected you "OWN" clan.
For starters, No Offese but u have alot of low levels in you clan. Not gonna call them noobs :),Your a pretty high level and if your the leader and "highest level in your clan" You need to Guide your members. You have all these meetings but honestly I do not see a deferense in the preformance, you have alot of good people in your clan and i help out on bosses here and there.

For example- If your such a good leader why does your clan spam me for drops and free stuff 24/7, also they say its a ks when "THEY ARE THERE FIRST" << WTF? Com'on man thats not called for at all, I dont see any of elementals saying that? Do you.... You wanna know why we dont?? Has somehting to do with "Leadership" Yeah thats it i think, Darc actaully takes time to know what is happening in clan that shouldn't and fixes if needs to be. One of the best players i know in the game!!! Along with Alisha, NightWright, Naruto, and Canis but not just them... The Whole Clan :) (Some out of clan also Jhim etc :) )

Worry about you clan Marcus get them in line, i see you everyday on forum talkin bout elementals and everyother clan but yours.
Goodday Marcus

ADDED: Also Marcus re-read what you said and came across someting, You said something bout u would of let me go and that ali would of if i wasnt such a high level.

Kinda ticked off bout that but ima keep my cool, 1st of all me coming back wasnt decided by You < Of corse, not ali, not darc and not killer. I left and was planning on staying out to prevent furture arugements, but no my clan members wanted me back i didnt ask to rejoin regreting decision. Out of the members online 4 people confronted me about it. Those people :Kiyrah, Killoy, Fioon, Pepsi. They told me to come back, levels had nothing to do with it. Killergoddes has threatened to leave thousands of time, no lie. She does that hoping to get what she wants!! So u can shove your unproven comment with the sun dont shine. Worry bout you own damn clan, for real man

2nd, Youd never have the damn chance in your life to have to opprotunity to kick me, ever! Nor will you know what it feels like!

P.S No feelings were ment to be hurt in the message apove, stating my opinions :)

Re: Left Elementals and Why;

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:30 pm
by BlackMamba
Mike, before you go around bashing marcus looks what he has done compared to what you have for "society" (people in belenus, forums, etc) he devoted all his time and money helping people by being a good leader. I would not say darc even compares to marcus in leadership. If your definition of leader is someone who is high level and abuses his power to lead ks groups (often failing) and allow scamming, I think you fit perfectly into the mold that elementals desires. dont ask questions, dont complain, "have each others backs" no matter how low you're going, and you'll get your drops you want :) you talk about guiding like to see the guidance darc provides. My most recent conversation with him consisted of me telling him theres a scammer in his clan, and him replying "so what?!" The level requirement doesn't require darc to provide any guidance, while marcus allows EVERYONE to join. what do you think would be easier to control? In my opinion, marcus has always done an admirable job keeping his clan members in check, helping them immensely, and actually punishing wrongdoers, unlike your clan. I think many people can credit their success in game to marcus, including many level 120+s, while I have never seen darc actually help someone. I really like your list of best people, mike, it saved me some time by not looking at the online rankings for highest level on belenus. btw, marcus was actually a member of elementals and left for a reason less childish than disliking someone. If I recall, it was before you were in, Mike ;).