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Buying things!!

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:30 am
by Myhairisblue
Soo i am looking to buy these items:
Golden growth charm.
Faire diamond.
Ranger rings. (Not the glass rings but fabled,grand etc.)
Faire amber.
Ruby demon stone.
Silver goblet
(3) air tablet of basalt
(3) earth tablet of basalt
(3) fire tablet of basalt
(3) yellow rem of stars
(3) yellow rem of space

Also quite interested in Pumpkins :) trying to get that WHITE HAT.

Post here if you have anything worth selling to me that I haven't put in my list. I might be interested.

I am always online, well kinda. So pm me or post here if you have any of these.

I am also looking to trade my golden magic quiver for the equivalent ice quiver.

Edit: i got my quiver of iceeeee. Woot. S now im also selling quiver of magic and skeleton king charm.
Buying ranger diamond greaves.
Buying greater earthstone bp and greaves.

Re: Buying things!!

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:57 pm
by Criminal
offer for golden growth charm
if u got air tabs of slate, mind tabs of slate, diamond crystal horn, red rems of space or red crests (stags bears lions)

Re: Buying things!!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:40 am
by Myhairisblue
I think i got the crest your looking for. Ill pm in game. I hope you still have charm.