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Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:07 am
by Scar
Some of you have probably seen me around. I'm Scar, leader of the clan Ragnarok. We're a somewhat newer clan, full of players of all different experience and levels. We are looking for mature, and mostly independent players to join. Asking for help with stuff is great, but don't just join for free stuff or leeching. The people in our clan are friendly and helpful so if you're ever in need of assistance don't be afraid to ask. I personally believe in item recycling as well, so if I ever happen to get an item that could be used by someone else, I'm generally willing to just give it away.
If you are a helpful and interested in joining Ragnarok then please look for Scar, Pheonix, or Danyl.

Re: Ragnarok

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:52 am
by N3v3rst0pz
As a member of the clan, I can comfirm the statement above. Our clan is active(you can find many of us taking down revs together continually). Also as stated above. When a clan member gets a drop or older gear that would benefit a clanmate, we would definetly give it to them, rather then selling it. We help each other out by piggybacking a member i order to get the goup where we are going to grind, heal each other, help out a battle
, and have amusing convos while waiting for enemies get into range or energy recoup, also trying to figure out why we are stuck in a wall, stairway, barrel etc(ya were worki g on that one) All and all our guild looks out for one another and makes the game more enjoyable in my experience.
Happy Hunting everyone . (\/_^-^_)

Re: Ragnarok

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:07 am
by Monkeyman
Scar? theres a lv 56 rogue in morrigan called scar.