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Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 6:10 pm
by Awe :)
Hey I'm actually looking to do a world transfer from Morrigan to Belenus.
I have the following items:
Talisman of earth
Fiery axe (250 fire dmg)
Fiery helm of the champion (70 fire dmg)
Heroic gloves
Heroic gloves
An adamant pike
Energy brace (20 energy per tick)
A very few lixes of every kind and some pots/idols.
Some more but they're not worth to be listed here
Please reply here if you're interested
I'm sure crim, canis and kiy will be glad to see me back :)

Re: Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:15 pm
by KiyKiy
I will ask you nicely. Please stay where you are.

Re: Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:24 pm
by Awe :)
Thanks for judging me for me past. I know that I did mistakes, I apoglize but how can you judge me for it. You told me to grow up I did, why won't you just give me another thanks. So I'll ask you nicely to do so.

Re: Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:07 pm
by Criminal
i will ask nicely. Please follow what kiy told you

Re: Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:49 pm
by 248874
who is awe?

Re: Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:09 pm
by Tox1cNinja
Thanks for judging me for me past. I know that I did mistakes, I apoglize but how can you judge me for it. You told me to grow up I did, why won't you just give me another thanks. So I'll ask you nicely to do so.
That amazing grammar and use of English language! Give awe a cookie.

Re: Looking for a server transfer

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:37 pm
by Awe :)
Thanks for judging me for me past. I know that I did mistakes, I apoglize but how can you judge me for it. You told me to grow up I did, why won't you just give me another thanks. So I'll ask you nicely to do so.
That amazing grammar and use of English language! Give awe a cookie.
._. I know my english sucks when I try to edit I always do double posts so I guess I just won't