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Seth's Wanted List :3

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:50 am
by SethTheGreat
I am currently in search of a few items. Item list is below. :D

Master Grim(150k)

Heroic Boots(90k)

Reverant Bracalet of Invigoration(70k)

Ofc prices are always negotiable. If you currently are selling the following items . Please by all means message me ig or via pm on forums. So we can set up a meeting to make the trade.

Sincerely, SethTheGreat

Re: Seth's Wanted List :3

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:28 am
by AchillezX.
Seth you left morrigan? :cry:

Re: Seth's Wanted List :3

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:06 am
by FruitcakeLuuk
Come morrigon i got a master grim there for you

Re: Seth's Wanted List :3

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:08 pm
by SethTheGreat
Sorry, for the late response. I rarely check forums often. Anyways, to answer your question ach. No, I have not left server. Though I do tend to play more in Belenus now than I do in Morrigan. You'll still see me around just not as often :3

Thanks for the offer Fruitcake, but I do not need a master grim in morri. Thank you for the consideration though.

Update on the list.

Only looking for following now.

Heroic Boots(90k)