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7 Million Gold Move

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:46 pm
by Lewisandclark
Trying to move 7m gold from morrigan and move that to belenus. I am first trade. I also have some items for sale on morrigan if interested.
- I will take plat in chests
- I will take certain items on belenus
- I will absolutely take gold
- If you are trying to sell your chests on morrigan easy here's an idea. Create account on same user but on belenus rather than morrigan. Your plat will transfer over. I will pay 15k ea. on chests but i will be buying lets say 7m-8m worth of chests.
****Please message me in game on Belenus.
-InGameName: Lewy lv 180 warrior.