Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Savage Night Shade Lioness

This feared predator was domesticated by the ancient race of the Celtic Land. This is the 2nd rarest Lioness mount. While equipped, it provides 95% movement speed, 40 health and energy regeneration and grants 40% camouflage. It also has a 10% chance of dealing up to 1000 damage. Uses your Novelty Ability.

Infinite Uses

Slot: Main Hand

Slashing Damage: 25

Heat Damage: 60

Attack Speed: 3000

Proc Skill: Out of the Shadows

Proc Chance 10%

Weight: 69

Physical Attack Evasion: +500

Spell Attack Evasion: +500

Movement Attack Evasion: +500

Wounding Attack Evasion: +500

Weakening Attack Evasion: +500

(Has black coat, jaw opens and closes, has glowing red eyes.)

Tales of Sulis…

“One of the most avid goals in my life was to confront a savage Night Shade Lioness and make it mine. The Lioness delves in the Dark Realms, a land of total darkness and dangers. The Lioness is well known for dark, silky skin; vivid red stripes; glowing, bestial eyes; and has the hungry jaws of a true predator. It is a force to be reckoned with. Its dark pelt would help it blend into its dark surroundings, making even the best rogues cower; its red stripes show its bloodthirsty and savage nature and its teeth can tear through the toughest of warrior armor. I had dedicated several years to tracking this animal before I met your grandmother and decided to settle down, putting that dream behind me. I do not regret not finding the beast because I have my little beast right next to me,” said Grandpa as he winked at me. I grinned back at him and replied “Has anyone ever caught this animal?” He looked up into the sky and said, “Yes. There was only one person that came across this brute. His name was Fingal and he was a true quintessence in the mastery of arms, magics and knowledge. He managed to tame the beast and together they were unstoppable in battle. However, when Fingal died his predecessors tried to tame the beast, but failed to do so, and thus, it ran into the wild, never to be seen again…” I listened with eagerness and I never forgot those words for they were burned into the essence of my soul.

2 years and 6 months later…

Grandpa died 6 months ago. It was like every normal day, but the difference was that when the sun came up, Grandpa did not wake. We cremated him and then spread his ashes into the wind, so that he could be one with nature; forever watching over us. On the third day of his death, I had an epiphany. I realized that I would honor my Grandfather by doing the impossible: I was going to find the savage Night Shade Lioness and make it mine. Thus, I had packed my belongings in a knapsack, my clothes, food, water, weapons and most importantly the map that would lead me to the beast. My mother and father were reluctant to let me go, but I persuaded them by telling that Grandpa would not have liked their idea of holding me back. I started out towards the Dark Realms, first trekking across Lir’s Reach to my destination: the Eastern Dock. When I arrived, I was just in time to board the boat. I quickly bought myself a pass with the little gold I had and boarded the vessel and chose a quiet corner I could reside in for the night. The boat set off and I sat there looking at the setting sun before finally curling up and falling into a deep sleep.

I dreamed of total darkness, whispers echoed around me. I felt myself being watched by something terrifying, beastly. I glanced in every direction, but saw darkness. Then there was a flash of red eyes and I saw claws coming towards me…

I gasped and I sat up. The dream felt vividly real and I sensed danger. However, the boat was drawing to a halt at the dock and there was little I could do, so I pushed the dream father behind my mind and I stepped off the boat. The Dark Realm was a very dark and heavily forested area. Eyes glinted from every corner of the woods, beckoning me. I knew there was no turning back, so I took a deep breath and stepped into the fray…

For the last several nights, I had tried to track the savage Night Shade Lioness, but had no luck. However, I was not going to give up on my grandfather’s dream so I pushed on ahead, delving deeper and deeper into the forest…

Then one day, I stepped into a clearing and decided to stop there for the night. As I set up camp, I heard something growling and turned quickly towards the direction of the noise. Claws swooped out of the blue and rammed into my abdomen, flinging me backwards into the tree. I stayed huddled gasping for breath. I looked up and couldn’t believe my eyes. The Lioness was truly beautiful. The dark pelt was as dark as the night, its eyes blazing with such fury and rage; its red stripes seemed to glow in the dark. Despite the pain, I chuckled to myself. The beast roared, making trees shake and the ground tremor. It charged me and I tried to leap out the way, but failed to do so, thus the beast headbutted me. I was buffeted by the blow and lay crumpled at the floor. It confronted me snarling. I slowly raised my hand and touched its forehead. It suddenly froze and purred at the delight of my touch. I carefully stroked it and eventually it lay beside me. I know realized why Fingal’s successors were never able to conquer this beast: they lacked the respect and passion that Fingal had. I quietly smiled to myself for I had succeeded in where my grandfather had not, proving myself worthy of being his granddaughter…


I rode the beast back to the ship, there was no need for a saddle or reins for the beast’s body was soft and lean to the touch and obeyed my every command, even the slightest shift in position. We departed from the Dark Realms and soon enough I was back with my family, happier than ever for I had found a new friend and in it resided the spirit of my grandfather.

Other Mounts:

Bestial Fallen Lioness

This feared predator was domesticated by the ancient race of the Celtic Land. This is the rarest Lioness Mount. While equipped, it provides 100% movement speed, 50 health and energy regeneration and grants 50% camouflage. It also has a 10% chance of dealing up to 1250 damage. Uses your Novelty Ability.
Infinite Uses

Slot: Main Hand

Slashing Damage: 25

Heat Damage: 60

Attack Speed: 3000

Proc Skill: Lioness Fury

Proc Chance: 10%

Weight: 69

Strength: 100

Dexterity: 100

Focus: 100

Vitality: 100

(Has white coat, jaw opens and closes, eyes glow rainbow.)

Fierce Grand Tooth Lioness

This feared predator was domesticated by the ancient race of the Celtic Land. This is the 3rd rarest Lioness mount. While equipped, it provides 90% movement speed, 30 health and energy regeneration and grants 30% camouflage. It also adds 100 extra damage to your attacks permanently. It also has a 10% chance of dealing up to 750 damage. Uses your Novelty Ability.

Infinite Uses

Slot: Main Hand

Slashing Damage: 25

Heat Damage: 60

Attack Speed: 3000

Proc Skill: Blinding Rage

Proc Chance 10%

Weight: 69

(Has purple coat, Jaw opens and closes, eyes glow purple.)

Vicious Ice Fang Lioness

This feared predator was domesticated by the ancient race of the Celtic Land. This is the 4th rarest Lioness mount. While equipped, it provides 85% movement speed, 20 health and energy regeneration and grants 20% camouflage. It also has a 10% chance of dealing up to 500 damage. Also gives skill: Bitter Chill in which you inflict up to 500 damage per tic. Uses your Novelty Ability.
Infinite Uses

Slot: Main Hand

Slashing Damage: 25

Heat Damage: 60

Attack Speed: 3000

Proc Skill: Frozen Death

Gives Skill: Bitter Chill

Proc Chance 10%

Weight: 69

(Has blue coat, jaw opens and closes, eyes glow blue.)

Vicious Poppy Lioness

This feared predator was domesticated by the ancient race of the Celtic Land. This is a rare Lioness mount. While equipped, it provides 80% movement speed, 10 health and energy regeneration and grants 10% camouflage. It also has a 10% chance of dealing up to 250 damage. Uses your Novelty Ability.
Infinite Uses

Slot: Main Hand

Slashing Damage: 25

Heat Damage: 60

Attack Speed: 3000

Proc Skill: Savage Bite

Proc Chance 10%

Weight: 69

(Has green coat, Jaw opens and closes, eyes glow green.)

http://i354.photobucket.com/albums/r401 ... 1406950177
Last edited by Candies on Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:16 pm, edited 13 times in total.

and etc...

Clansman of Transcendent :D

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

A prototype of a futuristic standing mount (Still working on the name). This machine is equipped with a twisting side rotors that are changing their position while the mount is in motion, and a flamethrower in the front that deals fire damage and casts fire skills.
The top-line mounts will have an effect of a glowing rings coming out from the tail and the rotors.
Scan.jpeg (236.5 KiB) Viewed 2734 times

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Warbeast of Darkness

This Warbeast has been tamed by the Warbeast Trainer found within the depths of Carrowmore Tunnels. Its armor is made of melted dragon scales giving massive boosts to speed and armor.

Speed: 100%
Weight: 20
Slot: main hand (2 handed)
Armor: 500
Skill: shadow stealth- hides the user in the shadows making them invisible for 3 minutes.
Skill: infected bite- the Warbeast performs a vicious bite, infecting the target with lethal venom dealing 1000 poison damage per tick for 20 seconds.
Regen: 80 health and 80 energy
Camo: 70%
Damage: 100 slash and 100 poison
Attack speed: 2500
Last edited by Deadend on Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
image.jpg (231.06 KiB) Viewed 2656 times

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

So this is my *Create Your Own Mount* enter, its a lightning bolt, it's not the best drawing, but you get the point, you stand on the lightning bolt and it shoots little mini lightning bolts out of it, let me know what u think! :)

Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

The Wheel and Thunderbolt of Taranis
Celtic Wheel and Thunder Bolt.JPG
file may be small as i had to resize
Celtic Wheel and Thunder Bolt.JPG (36.23 KiB) Viewed 2793 times
Background and Lore
This wheel is the symbol of Taranis, in ancient sculptures and inscriptions Taranis can often be seen holding his wheel. It is said that in the olden days, the sound of thunder was thought to be made by Taranis' chariot passing through the heavens. Taranis had another symbol which was the thunderbolt, it is seen being held in one hand while the wheel in another.

Idea as Mount
For this to be a mount the wheel could be placed under the players feet with one under each foot, as the player moves his/her legs will move while the wheels glide underneath them (similar to roller skates). It would allow the player to sit just above surface height like that of the carpet. The thunderbolt would be held in one hand like a weapon and would be the length of a sword.

The second idea is that the wheel would be hand held in the mainhand slot while the thunderbolt is in the offhand slot. It would allow you to run like you are on a travel elixer. As you are running or gliding the top tier mount will leave sparks behind them which trails from the thunderbolt held in the hand like sparkles and snow flakes.

Taranis' Wheel
This ancient relic is rumored to be owned by the Thunder God Taranis, it was taken from him along with Taranis' Thunderbolt. If these two ancient relics were somehow reunited there may be a strong connection. It improves movement speed by 70% and grants 30% camouflage. When equipped with Taranis' Thunderbolt it grants the Taranis' Might aura set bonus.
Slot: Main Hand
Crushing Damage: 50
Attack Speed: 2500
Weight: 30
Level Requirement: 100

Taranis' Thunderbolt
This symbol of power was once owned by the Thunder God Taranis, it was dispossessed by a mighty hero and it is said to give the wielder of Taranis' Thunderbolt and Taranis' Wheel godlike powers. This weapon increases energy and health regeneration by 50. When equipped with Taranis' Wheel is grants the Taranis' Might aura set bonus.
Slot: Offhand
Piercing Damage: 20
Magic Damage: 80
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 100
Health: 250

Taranis' Might Bonus
You are under the effect of the Taranis' Might Aura set bonus, it increases your movement speed by 20% and grants 20% camouflage. Gives the skill Godly Being which increases your groups elemental damage by two for 5 seconds.

As you can see the Thunderbolt can double as a normal offhand so its like a luxury item but when equipped with the Wheel it gives extra movement speed and camouflage which increases the usefulness of the original mount so its up to par with the latest ones. The skill may be a little OP but it only lasts for 5seconds and would have a 2min cooldown, would act as a great support skill for those lock battles at troll and various other bosses.
181 Druid
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Veteran CH Player, playing since December 2011.
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"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
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Re: Competition: Win an exclusive Mount!

Staff of Shadow Stag

Background of idea:
When it comes to Celtic Heroes, one must think of the true legend of King Arthur who hunt the Mystic Shadow Stag. When King Arthur cut the head off Mystic Shadow Stag, it moaned and it's shadow spirit return and gather up dark power from the underworld for revenge. It has turned to a swift and deadly undead creature, with a form of shadow staff, and start killing any life form to gain it's power. The mother of earth Gaia who created Mystic Shadow Stag do not want to see it suffer from it's darkness, Gaia tamed it and turned this evil creature into a mount, still deadly but manageable by it's owner.... who will be the legendary hero that can override it? It will soon be reveal...

Two handed
Important Item
100% Speed
Piercing Damage: 50
Attack Speed: 2500
Gives Skill: Breath of Shadow (Lifesteal opponent health and energy for self heal, max. 1,000 hp/mp)
Weight: 35
Level Requiement: 100
Novelty Ability

Last edited by devilz on Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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