The Harp of the Dagda
This story concerns the most ancient Irish Celtic gods, the first generation of the Tuatha dé Danaan who had to fight off the giant races of the Firbolgs and the Formorians. Their history is found in the Lebor Gabála, ‘The Book of Invasions’." Let us begin"
When the fairy race of the Tuatha dé Danann arrived in Ireland, they came like a mist across the waters, bringing with them magical gifts. These were the lia fail – the coronation stone, the spear of Lugh, the sword of Nuada, and the great cauldron of the Dagda, which was said to be able to restore life.
The Dagda himself was known as the Good God and he was chief of the gods at this time. Besides his cauldron, he had a harp which was battle-scarred and made of oak. It was covered in rich decorations including a double-headed fish which ran up and down the curved pillar and had jewels for its eyes. Although he had a harper, Uaithne, he could also play it himself.The Dagda had this harp with him always – he even took it into battle. So it was, that after the second Battle of Mag Tuiread, or Moytura, the Dagda discovered that his harp, together with his harper, had been captured by the Formorians and taken with them in their flight. Angered beyond measure, he set out with his son Aengus Og to reclaim it.
Stealthily they approached the Formorian camp. Soon they could hear the sounds of the feasting hall in which Bres, the Formorian king, was dining. Approaching the doorway, they could just make out through the smoke and candle-flame the outline of the old harp hanging on the wall. Then the Dagda entered boldly and summoned his harp with this chant: Come Daurdabla, apple-sweet murmurer
Come, Coir-cethair-chuir, four-angled frame of harmony, Come summer, come winter, Out of the mouths of harps and bags and pipes!
Immediately the old harp flew to his hand across the hall, killing nine men as it came. A shocked hush fell on the company. In the silence the Dagda laid his hands on the strings and unleashed the Three Noble Strains of Ireland that he had bound into his harp. First he played the goltrai, or strain of weeping, so that all present began to mourn and lament their defeat. Then he played the geantrai, the strain of merriment, so that the company turned to laughter and drunken foolery. Lastly he played the suantrai, or sleep-strain, whereupon the warriors fell into a profound slumber. After this the Dagda and Aengus Og left the camp as quietly as they had come, taking Uaithne and the harp with them.
de Danann
The Tuatha dé Danann were the children of the great goddess Dana. They are depicted as magical fairy people who were later overrun by the Milesians who allowed them to reside underground in the sidhe, or fairy mounds. They were traditionally believed to have arrived like a mist, but this is a poetic reflection of the fact that they ritually burned their boats on landing in Ireland so that they could never leave.
The Dagda
The Dagda was the chief of the Tuatha but, because he is much coarser than their other gods, he might be a remnant of a much older deity. His antiquity is demonstrated by the fact that he carried a great club. At the same time, like Lugh, he claimed to be multi-skilled. This is indicated by his name, the Good God: to the Celts, ‘good’ meant skilled, and the Dagda is depicted as being a master of music along with a range of other magical and warrior attributes.
He also had a prodigious appetite and earlier in the Battle of Moyturah was forced by the Formorians to eat a huge amount of porridge which had been prepared in his own cauldron. Undaunted, he ate the lot, after which his stomach was so distended that his tunic no longer covered it.
The Dagda can be seen as an ancient father-god who was symbolically linked to the great mother goddess through his great cauldron of regeneration. (The Dagda’s cauldron became a forerunner of the Arthurian Holy Grail.) Being multi-skilled, he also demonstrates the Celtic understanding that gods were not limited to a single skill or attribute.
The Three Noble Strains
These relate to the three sons that Uaithne, the Dagda’s harper, fathered on the Goddess Boann. She gave birth to the oldest, Goltraiges, in great pain, to the second, Gentraiges, in joy, while, after the third one, Suantres, she became heavy with fatigue. All three were harpers and became representative of the three main effects, or strains, of music.
The power of music
Music was of great importance to the Celts because they believed it had the power to enchant. The names of the Three Noble Strains end in trai, which means enchanter. Music could therefore magically summon or control emotion. It could also take the hearer into a place of dream and vision or bring the soothing of forgetfulness. It was an integral part of the Otherworld.
The sound of beautiful music greeted the entry of every hero into this realm, often being produced by magical birds. Magical birds also attended the silver-stringed harp of Aengus Og who used it, like Apollo, to charm them. For the harp was considered particularly magical. It was often owned and played by gods. It was the favoured accompaniment for telling the old tales, being able to conjure all the different moods as well as to accompany the vocal declamations of poetry. Thus every bard was expected to be skilled on it. Later, broken-stringed, the harp came to symbolize the sorrows of Ireland. Its magical music also retreated, along with the Tuatha, into the sidhe. Some evocative Irish music today is said to have come from tunes overheard in fairy revels.
Mobs there could be such as the formorian king and his minions
. Formorian King : Drops 3 Harps all of a different rarety ancient,legendary, imperial All Of them regen Over 50 hp and energy Per tic and Could Play a melody that would sooth agro off any mob:
.Formorian Minions: Reguler mobs with different types of weapons similar to the blackstones which sometimes drop their weapons
Maybe drop Lughs spear etc.
Even have a Dadga Boss and the drop would be his jewell eyes that could be a huge add in someones stats etc
Maybe there is a quest that orders you to go and get the harp back?
Weapons: All weapons glow with a Black aura
Formorian Axe 275 slashing damage 4750 Speed 250 strength 750 axe ability Raging Blow proc 10% chance to hit 2000-2500 damage: Level req 190
Formorian Bow 300 piercing damage 3250 Speed 150 strength 150 dexterity 750 bow ability Furious speed 10% chance to have a 60% faster auto : Level req 190
Formorian Dagger 100 poison damage 100 piercing damage 2500 speed 200 strength 150 dexterity 750 dagger ability Furious speed 10% chance to have 60% faster auto speed: Level req 190
Fire/Ice Formorian Grimoire 100 cold damage (Opposite element too) 300 focus 4000 speed 10% proc to hit 1000-1750 damage
: Level req 180 |||Formorian Spear 325 damage 5000 speed 300 strength 750 spear ability Proc 10% chance to do 2000-3000 damage in furious Stab: level req 190
Formorian Totem 75 Crushing damage 250 focus Healing Rage 10% chance to heal 5000-7000 health to anyone in a 10 meter area level req 190
Legendary Weapons: glows with black and purple aura drops from formorion bosses all level req 200
Axe of The king 425 slashing damage 3750 speed 350 strength 1000 axe ability Kings Pride proc 10% chance to do 6000-10000 damage
Bow of the East 400 piercing damage 3750 speed 250 strength 200 dexterity 1000 bow ability and a Wind of the East 10% chance to shoot 20 arrows at once
Dagger of the East 200 piercing damage 100 poison damage 3250 speed 200 strength 150 dexterity 1000 dagger ability Poison Fury 10% chance to do 5000 damage per tic for 20 seconds
Fire/Ice Grimoire of War 150 magic damage 5000 speed 500 focus 1000 ice/fire ability YulesBane 10% chance to do a 10000-15000 damage icebolt
Spear of Lugh 300 damage 4750 speed 200 strength 100 vitality 1000 spear ability 10% chance to do Pierce of Death with a proc to do 10000-12500 damage in one jab
Totem of Death 200 crushing damage 400 Focus 100 vitality 1000 totem ability 10% chance to heal anyone in a 10 meter area maxing their hp
Dagger of Donn 300 Magic damage 300 strength OFFHAND Rougue 30% speed
Quiver of Darkness 250 Magic Damage 250 strength 100 dexterity 30% speed OFFHAND Ranger
Axe of the Gods 350 FIery Damage 350 strength 200 vitality OFFHAND warrior
Mobs All level 195-200 All has chance to drop Formorian Weaponary
Formorian Ranger***
Formorian Bow man **
Formorian LongShot *
Formorian Sharp Shot ****
Formorian Rougue ***
Formorian Dagger **
Formorian Stealthy *
Formorian Assasin ****
Formorian warrior ***
Formorian Knight **
Formorian SwordBearer *
Formorian Barbarian ****
Formorian Mage ***
Formorian SpellCaster **
Formorian Witch *
Formorian Wizard ****
Formorian Druid ***
Formorian Healer **
Formorian Support *
Formorian LifeCaster ****
Formorian King ****** 3,ooo,ooo Health Skills Jab of Darkness Takes 10000-15000 hp from all surrounding players Rage Heals 10000 hp per tick and boosts damage by 30% Auto attack 5000 damage Drops 5 Legendary weapons level 210 ******
Formorian Prince 1,000,000 Health Skills Rage and Auto attack 3000-4000 damage Drops 1 Legendary weapons Level 200 *****
Formorian Queen 2,000,000 Health Fire Bolt of Darkness Blasts a Dark Fire Bolt dealing up to 15000 damage and also does multiple Dark Magic Skills drops 3 legendary weapons Level 205******
Who knows but that is my idea I wiush to write more but im all out of ideas
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