The lucky Imp has long been rumoured to have come from darkest corners of Alchemical Quarters. Those who claim to have witnessed it, have never come close enough to tame the rare creature. Those who are able to tame the rare imp and earn its trust are granted the unique skill "Jackpot".
Lucky Imp - Base Stats
Slot: Companion
Gives Skill: "Jackpot"
Infinite Uses
0.25% Gold
Treasure Hunter: 500
Description of skill: The imp swings his sack of gold for a devastating blow causing its target to drop gold. (Gold looted will depend on level of the imp as well as this skill being limited to either 1 attack per mob or a longer cooldown)
Appearance: Similar to the imps found in Alchemical Quarters holding sack of gold over it's shoulder.
Re: Your New Best Friend: Design A Pet Contest
Last edited by Se7en on Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.