Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Yuletide Fishing Extravaganza Returns!

The fishing competition is not over until the server reset. I am investigating why that message was even sent out in the first place.

I apologize for any confusion this has caused to those enjoying the event.

Re: Yuletide Fishing Extravaganza Returns!

This is super messed up. I was online when message about it ending came in. I had a great chance at first place. Spent hours upon hours fishing just for a bug message to screw me on it. I stopped fishing ofc bc I thought it was over. This is unfair.

Re: Yuletide Fishing Extravaganza Returns!

Reset should be in like 20 mins from the time im sending this text, but theres no in game warning as of yet, is this a bug rn? or is the reset not today?
Lugh - Pegasus

Raburto - 230 nab fire mage
Rab Rogue - 221 dodo rogue

Re: Yuletide Fishing Extravaganza Returns!

Reset should be in like 20 mins from the time im sending this text, but theres no in game warning as of yet, is this a bug rn? or is the reset not today?
Was just about to ask the same thing
Just got a reset on 15 notif in game

Re: Yuletide Fishing Extravaganza Returns!

Reset should be in like 20 mins from the time im sending this text, but theres no in game warning as of yet, is this a bug rn? or is the reset not today?
Was just about to ask the same thing
Just got a reset on 15 notif in game
Ye .-.
bit early for my liking but errr
Lugh - Pegasus

Raburto - 230 nab fire mage
Rab Rogue - 221 dodo rogue

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