Below is the list of winners for each server and the amount of ling caught during the contest period. We will be mailing the prizes to each recipient shortly. It may take up to 24 hours to process before seeing the items in your mailbox.
Updated 29/01/2020
- WinnieDaPooh - 4639
- Spicy Enchilada - 2775
- Bastila - 2320
- Irbetazenpj - 2135
- peachie - 1402
- AgirlHasNoShame - 1135
- Baron Baxter - 1006
- Jobayer dragon - 331
- og archer - 268
- Squeakzilla - 208
- Koosh - 1139
- HauntedSinner - 740
- Terentatek - 488
- Mullan - 433
- Uziel - 127
- Otto Lenghi - 122
- Quamba - 83
- 1KOT1 - 62
- Urm - 51
- 1LEO1 - 41
- Seiju - 4505
- Iownall - 3787
- Annette - 2749
- Brodee - 1145
- LittleBow - 1025
- Kimlla Voiles - 904
- Scotty Adam - 465
- Sir Simon - 405
- Crusher mm - 322
- Annacska - 322
- Elainie - 5323
- Zedzio - 4859
- Beheadeth - 4764
- Natalusia - 3225
- Dominicus - 2439
- Allana McWard - 1950
- Choralone - 1188
- Rasejnnn - 814
- Audrianna - 648
- Juul God - 347
- Eragon26248 - 6400
- Braapp - 4134
- Blzzrd - 2331
- balt - 1980
- BaBushka - 1790
- Rotten Apple - 1749
- LadyNymeria - 1522
- Rare - 1437
- Songnam - 1279
- THEFOOL - 1091
- Infernomago - 3873
- Sonshine Flame - 2511
- SoulRaider - 1816
- Beau Carvin - 1272
- Sneakalistia - 1223
- McBrow - 647
- oSymbolic Orbit - 433
- xOZFOXx PT - 404
- Jokes - 285
- BountyHunter0 - 202
- After guy - 5355
- BkX0416 - 4367
- xKAMIx - 4243
- Pwnsan - 1837
- Gwendolin - 1428
- jacares - 1264
- Lela Star - 1199
- MortyC137 - 993
- SimpSlayer - 777
- Escarcha - 655
- Zenther - 11231
- Maria Magdalena - 4459
- Treefiddy - 3016
- OwlExterminator - 2011
- Sparkz -1652
- stormclouds - 1635
- Rasen Pollard - 1111
- P3RSEUS - 557
- Snow Mage - 354
- XeNoSkYz - 6245
- Devilish - 5135
- Mar Dino - 4171
- FatalDeath - 657
- Aleara McGillen - 632
- Pannora - 517
- 12ayne - 489
- Hubotwt - 326
- BobsYourUncle - 240
- raingirl - 203
- Kyrie lothbrok3 - 5781
- Ivar51 - 2040
- Quietj - 1661
- Anzac terk - 1564
- Dead5hot - 1533
- 1 - 1325
- Reece21 - 1222
- P0larice - 1135
- SylviaMarie - 1019
- Zola - 777
- PANDAx - 6054
- Sabcia - 5227
- wjjnw - 4821
- AbbyNormal - 4258
- Khoralt - 1936
- CloneNinja - 1018
- Wiz - 649
- Cantik - 511
- Yroddry - 172
- Firenator - 169
- cRaZyWiLd - 7048
- godserena2 - 2500
- Trrickster - 1754
- Raburto - 1476
- BlackRaven - 1439
- Dragonassasin - 1003
- Gladuin - 878
- DethArcher - 872
- Lugh Legend - 855
- LeFammeNikita - 753
- Neeeenja808 - 3552
- Angler - 2816
- Windward - 2277
- Beattz - 1673
- LlamaHunter - 1159
- ALODIA - 1092
- Michaelangelo - 1070
- nikhilrajj - 1022
- OO 7 - 318
- Cammybearpea - 251
- Daegu - 3863
- Snipeyfighter - 3103
- SariusTheMighty - 3074
- Cai Coffee - 2974
- Tabac - 1200
- Deytre - 1111
- Myrah - 1014
- W7CH - 826
- dooms - 426
- Great H - 424
- McCrack - 1370
- Kysika - 1333
- Mikkao - 601
- Rogue321 - 538
- KPUC - 384
- Raven McCommon - 260
- spoogy - 213
- Tulip - 186
- LordBrot04 - 83
- little rookie - 75
- X - 5685
- LightsK - 4577
- 1BadApple1 - 3712
- Blast Things - 1143
- Desert Sky - 1126
- Qatar Zeblaan - 830
- LcRouge - 511
- SCORP1ON - 457
- XBloodfuryX4 - 378
- GODOFWARkratos -356
- Chromo Knight - 6257
- Preacher - 4643
- Braith Swavely - 4276
- adarkdemon - 2546
- Stake - 2037
- FieryForever - 1088
- Oddo - 1046
- FieryHealz - 1000
- Ligma - 855
- Sage Fire - 736
- Dolce123 - 6393
- Chi3f - 6043
- Ellora - 5117
- Flaq - 1727
- Sorja - 1242
- Newb - 988
- ArchMichael - 896
- Moneymaker234 - 665
- NoOffence - 631
- Manee - 450
- Veiya - 7132
- rocky8436 - 4499
- TheReaper99 - 3723
- Vikka - 2606
- Asna - 2207
- OpusXdruid - 1208
- Verity - 701
- Ryan Dragon - 683
- Womanizer - 486
- Findelinn - 377