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World: Arawn
Disclaimer: Read through the whole thing
New Year's Goal: I actually have quite a few goals. My first resolution is to win this competition. Yes, that's right, win this competition. I know that seems a bit weird for a goal, but since I've just got onto the forum, I want to be more active, and so this will also be a part of that goal. Now, you might ask, how are you gonna do that lol? Well I'll tell you. I spent minutes upon minutes doing random things in random places of Dal Rita to get a good photo. In the end, I accidentally got a really heroic one. But anyways, I went on an adventure. I went from the ruins, to the castle. Lord Mac Lir was like, "Yo, I don't want to be on camera," so I left. I talked to Varney the guard and he told me he had to concentrate on guard duty. I mean, GUARD DUTY!!! His job is sort of just standing next to Lord Mac Lir. I just knew I had to help Varney the guard. He had to use his mind all day and night, and I knew it was tiring him. I tried talking more, but he kept on saying he had to concentrate on guard duty. I decided to make another goal to stop him from concentrating on guard duty, and relax a bit, while I filled in for him. Anyways, I went to Shalemont, and I started casting random spells and taking photos. A couple of the Connatch started making fun of me for taking selfies though! I can't believe it!!! I ran straight to Fingal's cave, but there were more Connatch there too. In an act of desperation, I started dancing in front of the soldiers at the Shalemont Castle. They kept on laughing at me. I took the camera and hid it from their view, and snapped one selfie at the almost very end of the dance. I took a look at the picture, and started to cry. It was so unbelievably heroic! I fast traveled back to the castle, and went to the secret library. There, I logged onto a computer, where I went onto the forum, and made this post. (More seriously though, even though the goals above are still legitimate) I want to expand my charm collection. I also want to grow my clan (It's called Cult), and have a lot more members. I want it to be a place where all players are welcomed, although also be on par with other clans such as Resurgence or Dragon Souls. I also have just got back into the game and want to level more and improve my character.
-THEONLYDICE, Chieftan of Cult, One and ONLY Cultmaster of Arawn, level 70 druid that sits in the castle all day,
"De wae is to merch until your stomach wanna perch and then you forgot that you're still level 5 with a bunch of lvl 190 lux...."