Behold, the spectral reaper. A beast who has roamed the halls of the chaos palace for many centuries. Once these menacing monsters were human, but alas the sweet scent of Crom’s unimaginable power swept through them. Corrupting, shifting and controlling them. Their trapped souls cry out lashing out violent cold blasts*. Dressed In withering sheets and prickly thorns they are the embodiment of fear and gazing at one for too long could be your end*. Their thorns are as sharp as a sword and cut through any hero willing to prove their strength*. Though ghostly. The devilish power of Crom has given them shield like strength to increase their ability to withstand Brutal blows. They float along at slow paces across the halls, stalking the halls. And anyone who crosses their sight will be unwillingly part of a dangerous fight. Their time in this fearful home of the evil god has forced them to create the aura of death. Which boots their attacks against their foes. Anyone unlucky enough to fight one of these beasts for too long will suffer the horrific plague of the unforgiven. Which reduces their inner ability to withstand attack’s* and causing a decay of their soul over a period of time*. It is best not to attack one of these for too long. The consequences... are large. Some of theses creations of death have roamed the land for much longer, gaining corruption and power as they went. These foes are stronger than the others and are known as the villainous Heliox Reapers. These enemies are best taken in groups as their power stretches far more than those of their lesser brothers. Their special skills and effects are increased and also have an added ability. This is the Heliox curse and when this is applied it lowers resistances to cold and causes other reapers in a radius to call to their fallen brother. It is recommended that those who strive to best one of these attempt at luring him away from others, to ensure a clean defeat.
There is also one other creature that roams the palace entrance. The unforsaken walker. This ghostly zombie looking piece of work is some of the unlucky ‘damned’ ones. In Yarak’s and Crom’s spread of Chaos the unlucky few did not succeed in their corruption. Or as it was known as, their ascension. Instead the magic mutated them into undead spectral monsters which believe in nothing but chaos. Their human souls are gone. They wreak havoc with brutal blows * and attempt to inflict heroes with their ‘burning terror’ which is a mild over time blow which deals an average amount of harm but has a rare chance to confuse the hero’s mind, interrupting skills! luckily a special potionmaster who resides near the gate has created the ‘blessing of the starlight ocean’ which neglects the evil effects of burning terror
Aside from these horrific and terrifying monsters. There is one who stands above all. Almost matching Crom himself. His name. Yarak the tempestuous.
A hidden warrior by the name of Calara has requested that you put a stop to Yarak, as his power is growing and soon he will be strong enough alongside his army to destroy the bonds that tie Crom away from the world. You and a band of others must defeat Yarak. Your reward you ask? The lost jewellery and weaponry that Yarak himself and his followers used in their old life.
Lore of Yarak. You must wonder.. as you know the origin of the foul reapers and beasts, who is Yarak the tempestuous. He was a cantankerous fighter from many many centuries ago. He fought valiantly and gained the title of stormbreaker. Which was incredibly honourable. Though there was a dark thought in his mind. One that touched Crom. On a quiet day Yarak snuck away. Finding a spiritual creation of Crom. who turned on him. Corrupted Yarak into a monster. With this newfound power Yarak made his entire legion into a wave of chaos*. Anyone else followed in fear. With a mighty sweep he generated violent sonic destruction* everywhere he walked. But as the world was being destroyed, the gods began to rise. A war begin where Yarak and Crom lost. Crom and Yarak were caged. Their army followed by the force of the gods. It’s known Yarak still calls upon his army* and generates an aura of undying within them which boosts their strength. Proving difficult in large numbers.
Can you best Yarak and his legion in order to save Dal Riata ? Or will you fall and join him.
—NaturesFrost 121 Druid Belenus
Stars represent buffs / debuffs / skills / abilities
Spectral + Heliox Skills/buffs/abilities
Shriek of death : Mob blasts out an AoE of cold damage in a small radius, evasion chance is quite low, does mediocre damage.
Deaths Thorn : Strikes out a single target piercing damage hit, has a medium chance of missing depending on evasions. Does mediocre / high damage
Plague Of The Unforgiven: Reduces armour by x amount (depends for 1 and 2*) and gives small DoT cold effect.
Aura of Death: After Half Health, Boosts attack for 15-20s (its like a rage but its not strong) only small boost
Horrifying glare: If casted the hero is frozen in place for 5 seconds or until next attack (it is possible that spectral reaper begins to cast a skill after glare)
(Heliox have stronger and renamed versions) (in order of spoken above)
Roar of chaos
Spicule Strike
Sinners Stare
<Heliox does not have Plague or Aura Instead:>
Heliox Curse: Lowers cold Resistance by X amount and calls for help to other reapers in small/medium radius
3-4* Ranking
Unforsaken walker buffs/abilities/skills
Harbringer Blast: strikes a foe with a medium damage crushing blow.
Burning Terror: Very mild DoT but includes about a 12% chance to interrupt a skill cast, works about 1/10 faster than a tic and lasts 15 seconds
fighting the Debuff: these will drop an item known as "fabricated chaos" which your newfound friend Sirius the potion master can transform into a protection from burning terror
Ranks at a 1-2* (possibly a few 3*)
Yarak skills/buffs/abilities and a debuff against him that is unmentioned in the lore
Wave of chaos: every so often yarak will release a wave of high chaos damage, (this is to promote the use of chaos res and healing others in the raid!) semi-chance to evade that of course scales with evasions
Stormbreaker Swipe: releases a crushing swipe to the players infront (key word) in a small radius (melee auto attack range)
Legions call: this ability cannot be interrupted, Yarak channels his chaos for 2 seconds and summons all adds in the medium vicinity of his raid location.
to combat this you would want to remove all adds and control their spawns, Heliox curse does NOT call Yarak.
Chained Protection: Yarak calls upon the magical chains that once bound him to protect him from X amount of damage for x amount of seconds. This shield can be broken, if broken before the time limit, Yarak is inflicted with 'Severed Wound' which reduces his armour and defence
Poisoned Chaos: Yarak stayed true to the ideology of the gardens, and has combined his Chaotic power with the devilish poison produced by Bloodthorn. This strike is of medium range and becomes weaker the less health Yarak has (the strength of it has nothing to do with if bloodthorn is up or not)
Connected as One: Yarak gives off an buff to adds in the area that improves their armour / defence and slightly their attack, once Yarak is reduced to half health or when he enrages, this boost is removed.
Enrage: All of Yaraks abilities increase massively, he regularly calls adds to target locations. This raid is not meant to be killed during enrage
Timer: x amount of minutes, possible 30-45 testing, and lessened once players can kill faster
Rank: Raid Tier 6* with no place holders
Location: preferably in a large opening and Heliox + Spectral roam there
Designed for about: 35 toons
around 15-20 on main boss with the other 15-20 (depends which is more efficient) spread on add clear
Picture representing the Ideal look for Spectral and Heliox reapers (Heliox will look more empowered ):
Possibly look for Yarak : (can be mage like or warrior I’ve yet to decide )
Possible look for unforsaken walker :
Guess I made the entire zone