Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

World xfer

Hey All, 9k here... I'm looking for a xfer from rhiannon. 700k gold and a focus of seer which I'll trade for any equivalent priced lux item. Post here. Pm me and I'll post name down. We will use a middle man unless y'all trust me. Either is fine.
Rhiannon -
MasterHealer - 124 - Druid
Kerridine - 120 - Mage
Clansmen of RaptureEve

Crom -
9000 - 77 - Rogue

Re: World xfer

You better not bring eve with you :) Damnit why is all rhiannon coming to my vacation?
Name - 5000 (5k)
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing

I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!

Why is there the need for hate?

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