by Dub33
Yea. So much to say. Thank you to those who understand seed got where we are today from a lot of hard work. I love how you, patriot, say it's time to speak out yet you do so anonymously. You can't even post and show who you are so others can see if you are a respectable person or not. And as far as seed not being as powerful as you think, maybe you should check all worlds clan rankings. We are a very powerful clan. We are a tight group, and we enjoy and care about every single one of our clannies. I feel like most people in this game do not understand what a clan is made for. It is to take care of your clan, to have eachothers back no matter what. Seed makes sure we help seed. We help others if they help us, yet we do not hook up other people and clans when seed still has people to gear, and is strong enough to do all these things as a clan. That is what a clan is designed for. We do however group those that call us to a boss for help that we were not camping ourselves. We are respectable in the arena to those questing, unless they are or have been disrespectful to us. I was in soulsignited for a long time. And even I didn't like that seed was so dominant, but I have always had many friends there. I didn't realize until I joined them what they put up with, and walk away from. It is ridiculous the scrutiny they get from every other person on the outside. Good try on your post, but just bad facts. Good read tho lol.
World: Crom
DubDaRogue: 191 // DubDaDruid2: 145
DubDaRanger: 136 // Derek(warrior): 113
DubDaDruid3: 94 // DubDaDruid: 89
DubDaMage: 82
Clan: SEED