I never have, nor ever will grief. Griefing isn’t killing DL bosses (which we need drops from still for lockers that we have to make due to your clan). Griefing is pulling adds trying to make people wipe, ksing mobs while someone is lixing, etc. There is only one person that has commented on this topic that has done this, and we both know that it is you. You were warned to stop griefing lixes when you were in clan, and the second you weren’t in clan anymore you went back to doing it to Seed and Seedlings until people from your pack started getting banned for it. I don’t know where in the world you got your sources from that I have griefed, cause that is simply a lie. Rival clans have fallen apart because tension rises in their own clans, not because of us.Oh really? Because I remember shadowbolt told me how you and him would grief clans and take them down. You would kill Dl bosses to prevent them from progressing because seed wasn’t progressing. This world lacks on items compared to other worlds because Edl bosses would stay up for days even weeks until 6 months ago just started killing prot and other bosses on the daily except for gele. That’s how behind this world is. Having to logg for seed is like having a job and I’m sure many of your clannies can relate because I’ve spoke to them about this when I was in clan...
Back on topic though, if someone feels like Crom isn’t a good fit for them then that’s fine. If someone decides to try it out, which quite a few have been recently, that’s great too. Just make sure you actually know about the server and don’t believe every story you hear before making a decision.