Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

I made two post of a scammer on crom I did not say his name yet you took down my posts. Maybe a one of the OTM people removed it cause that's their little buddy. I don't know but it's awfully shady. Put it on the home page of this site And let us vote on your Terrible policy. I don't see an issue with that.

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

I made two post of a scammer on crom I did not say his name yet you took down my posts. Maybe one of the OTM people removed it cause that's their little buddy. I don't know but it's awfully shady. Put it on the home page of this site And let us vote on your Terrible policy. I don't see an issue with that.

Re: Scammer alert on herne/crom

Or why can't once you've looked into a players account or see proof of scamming why can't you put a spot on forums to blacklist these people once you've officially clarified them as scammers. I haven't heard of any examples of OTM stopping any scammer. A different approach is needed and wanted by many. By majority which is why I ask you to put this policy to a vote. Let proof of scamming be shown.

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