Crom blowout sale
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:08 pm
Items for sale $$$$
Grand Conceal Ring (Ranger)......7k
Conceal Training Manual...............5k
YELLOW Crest of Serpent...........7K
YELLOW Crest of Hawk..............5k
YELLOW Remmant of Rock.........1k
YELLOW Remmant of Earth........1k
YELLOW Remmant of Metal........1k
YELLOW Remmant of Star.........3k
Air Tablet of Basalt.......................2k
Fire Tablet of Basalt......................sold
Water Tablet of Basalt..................2k
Earth Tablet of Basalt..................2k
Grand Ring of Firestorm.................4k
Grand Ring of Fire Lure.................sold
Fabled Ring of Wand (+75)............2k
Lure of Soldiers Spell Tome...........sold
Lure of Gigants Spell Tome...........sold
Fabled Ring of Snow......................2k
Glass Lure Ring of Soldier.............200gld
BLUE Crest of Serpent...............7k
BLUE Crest of Hawk...................5K
BLUE Remmant of Rock................1k
BLUE Remmant of Earth...............1k
BLUE Remmant of Metal...............1k
BLUE Remmant of Star.................sold
Air Tablet of Marble.......................sold
Fire Tablet of Marble......................2k
Water Tablet of Marble...................2k
Earth Tablet of Marble....................2k
RED Crest of Serpent...............10k
RED Remmant of Rock...............1k
RED Remmant of Metal..............2k
RED Remmant of Space...............15k
Fire Tablet of Slate.......................2k
Water Tablet of Slate....................2k
PURPLE Crest of Hound..............10k
PURPLE Crest of Lion..............sold
BLACK Remmant of Earth.............1k
BLACK Remmant of Metal...........1k
Fire Tablet of Obsidian .................1k
Water Tablet of Obsidian .............1k
Earth Tablet of Obsidian ..............sold
-Ward of Ice Spell...................................5k
-Fabled Warding Ring of Ice...................3k
-Glass Warding Ring of Assasins......200gld
-Glass Warding Ring of Fire..............200gld
GREEN Crest of Hawk.....................5k
GREEN Remmant of Rock...........1k
GREEN Remmant of Earth..........sold
GREEN Remmant of Metal..........1k
Air Tablet of Granite.....................2k
Fire Tablet of Granite....................2k
Water Tablet of Granite................1k
Diamond Boar Tusk....................sold
Diamond Soul Orb........................4k
Diamond Spirit Star......................6k
Fairie Diamond..............................15k
Emerald Demond Stone................sold
Emerald Spirit Star.......................3k
Emerald Boar Tusk......................sold
Emeral Crystal Horn....................5k
Ruby Soul Orb..................................1k
Ruby Demond Stone.......................1.5k
Ruby Spirit Star................................1k
Amber Demond Stone........................sold
Amber Spirit Star.......,........................5k
Connacht Bronze Ingot...............sold
Connacht Iron Ingot.....................12k
Connacht Silver Ingot..................5k
Connacht Gold Ingot...................10k
Red Book Binding.................100gld
Red Book Cover...................200gld
Blue Book Binding......................sold
Blue Book Cover........................sold
Rites of Crome.................................1k
Benediction of Crome.......................2k
Litany of Crome................................1k
Invocation of Crome..........................1k
Sky Wing...........................................5k
Mystic Brazalet of the Comet
Slot: Wrist Cold Damagge: 3
Grand Conceal Ring (Ranger)......7k
Conceal Training Manual...............5k
YELLOW Crest of Serpent...........7K
YELLOW Crest of Hawk..............5k
YELLOW Remmant of Rock.........1k
YELLOW Remmant of Earth........1k
YELLOW Remmant of Metal........1k
YELLOW Remmant of Star.........3k
Air Tablet of Basalt.......................2k
Fire Tablet of Basalt......................sold
Water Tablet of Basalt..................2k
Earth Tablet of Basalt..................2k
Grand Ring of Firestorm.................4k
Grand Ring of Fire Lure.................sold
Fabled Ring of Wand (+75)............2k
Lure of Soldiers Spell Tome...........sold
Lure of Gigants Spell Tome...........sold
Fabled Ring of Snow......................2k
Glass Lure Ring of Soldier.............200gld
BLUE Crest of Serpent...............7k
BLUE Crest of Hawk...................5K
BLUE Remmant of Rock................1k
BLUE Remmant of Earth...............1k
BLUE Remmant of Metal...............1k
BLUE Remmant of Star.................sold
Air Tablet of Marble.......................sold
Fire Tablet of Marble......................2k
Water Tablet of Marble...................2k
Earth Tablet of Marble....................2k
RED Crest of Serpent...............10k
RED Remmant of Rock...............1k
RED Remmant of Metal..............2k
RED Remmant of Space...............15k
Fire Tablet of Slate.......................2k
Water Tablet of Slate....................2k
PURPLE Crest of Hound..............10k
PURPLE Crest of Lion..............sold
BLACK Remmant of Earth.............1k
BLACK Remmant of Metal...........1k
Fire Tablet of Obsidian .................1k
Water Tablet of Obsidian .............1k
Earth Tablet of Obsidian ..............sold
-Ward of Ice Spell...................................5k
-Fabled Warding Ring of Ice...................3k
-Glass Warding Ring of Assasins......200gld
-Glass Warding Ring of Fire..............200gld
GREEN Crest of Hawk.....................5k
GREEN Remmant of Rock...........1k
GREEN Remmant of Earth..........sold
GREEN Remmant of Metal..........1k
Air Tablet of Granite.....................2k
Fire Tablet of Granite....................2k
Water Tablet of Granite................1k
Diamond Boar Tusk....................sold
Diamond Soul Orb........................4k
Diamond Spirit Star......................6k
Fairie Diamond..............................15k
Emerald Demond Stone................sold
Emerald Spirit Star.......................3k
Emerald Boar Tusk......................sold
Emeral Crystal Horn....................5k
Ruby Soul Orb..................................1k
Ruby Demond Stone.......................1.5k
Ruby Spirit Star................................1k
Amber Demond Stone........................sold
Amber Spirit Star.......,........................5k
Connacht Bronze Ingot...............sold
Connacht Iron Ingot.....................12k
Connacht Silver Ingot..................5k
Connacht Gold Ingot...................10k
Red Book Binding.................100gld
Red Book Cover...................200gld
Blue Book Binding......................sold
Blue Book Cover........................sold
Rites of Crome.................................1k
Benediction of Crome.......................2k
Litany of Crome................................1k
Invocation of Crome..........................1k
Sky Wing...........................................5k
Mystic Brazalet of the Comet
Slot: Wrist Cold Damagge: 3