*Name Removed*
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:36 pm
Ok, I think ive had enough of this..I have been getting acussed of FALSE information because of *Name Removed* Spreading these False rumors. I've talked to many people a bout this. A lot of people agree with me. I've had people see *Name Removed* starting random Drama. That's all he wants. Im going to hold my word. Aparently I scammed A Guy named *Name Removed*. Which is also false. *Name Removed* has been controlling clannies. He had scammed in the pass so why would you believe every thing a scammer says. Crom this needs to stop. I have yet to scam any one and never will I. Yes i may be having problems right now with my Gear and Frozen but this is no reason to scam. So id like to apoligize for the false info and if *Name Removed* wants to be MAN enough to admit about it then he will. Till then cya around guys.