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im on fire~\!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:53 pm
by wifi124
hay its wifi124 and ive been on fire with tankin so far i tanked : deadroot, spearhorn, shivercowl, ironspike, redbane, big blue eye and big red eye also magus and stongfang rockbelly and the last one bonehead no grim or askhold or ymir (lol never gonna happen with ymir) but ya ive been doin great and if you need a tank just ask me:)
im buying some items im buying connacht magus body legs and helm for astleast 270k:) well if somone could sell no one ever does also buyin a good cloud or a storm cloud for 400k and golden blade of fire 200k also a heroic rejuv. for 150k and heroic boots of speed 110k well thanks m8tes and gl (forgot :oops: greater earthstone lesser earthstone and any midsummer crap il buy :))))0