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celtic heroes rare bosses

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:50 am
by wifi124
story time :) well here it is!

ok so i heard of some weird things in celtic heroes like why did they put in magus or trueflight well i can answer that but there are deeper things that you cant imagein.

ive heard of stories of these wardens in the full warden armour walk around which they are only warden and metoric (no frozen) but people say they still wander? and drop everything for a part of warden the lvs are 100, 120 but they can be a mage or any class. please leave a comment and lets have a dissucsion about this.

ive heard so many stories about it but it never seems to make sence heres some info: its lv 65 its as big and deadroot it looks like a icelord but has diffrent detil also its green with gold trimmings it name is unkown spawns super super super super rareeeee and drops a wep that as big as a icelord but has a green and gold trim. ive heard people seen sightings but that may not be true so tell me if you no anything about this a have a disscusion.

a purple unicorn??? i have not much info about this unicorn but it spawns in stonevale people say it drops those purple weps like superior spellsword but idk so leave a comment and talk about this and explain.

ive seen this before when the game first started and there where these monsters or connacht behind crockback i never new what happen but i heard it still spawns till this day? it was a lv 105 and from what i rember it looked like redbane but had these lv 55-80 gurds that where connacht so someone explain i would be inspired to no what it was

have you ever wondered what that staute of the warrior in connacht land is? well poeple say its showing power of connachts some say its just for dealtail but thats not true from what ive discovered it says to be a symbol on it but it been known to wander around in many worlds its a lv 50 with full ancient plate golden a ancient kitesheild and a sword which is golden it is 8 star and is unpossible to kill from what poeple say well they say it wanders around the hole land killing anything in its way then it goes back up and goes right threw where astiral is they evan say astrial is in desciple please explain and that is all for these untoled stories there will be more next time and please leave a comment and lets find out these secrets.

Re: celtic heroe secrets, lets uncover what the game dosent

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:13 am
by Ghost497
Connacht guys behind crookback dont spawn anymore. I've seen and killed 3 of the purple unicorns, but i only get crystal horns.and the connacht statue thing is kinda true. I've seen one before expansion 3 that was 6 stars, connacht armour, golden kite shield, and it walked around near where wrolf spawns

Re: celtic heroe secrets, lets uncover what the game dosent

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:48 am
by Bhamuntflare
The connacht man behind the cave is true I have seen him once but I was level 20 and didn't want to bother him, the purple unicorn is true because I have seen the weapons, the icelord thing idk about and the statue just gives me the creeps if it is real.

Re: celtic heroe secrets, lets uncover what the game dosent

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:49 am
by Bhamuntflare
The warden thing sounds interesting that's on my to do list when I return

Re: celtic heroe secrets, lets uncover what the game dosent

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:59 pm
by wifi124
i will be putting pictures manly so people can see the evidence

Re: celtic heroes rare bosses

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:43 am
by MoonlightAria
I wann see those pics :)

Re: celtic heroes rare bosses

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:11 am
by Infinity
You guys ever take a look at your health and mana bars? Notice any wording?
Ot the tip of your bodkin... Bent..on purpose.
Yeah I've seen the green guy also.... He spawns by belly

Re: celtic heroes rare bosses

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:05 am
by IITubbyII
You guys ever take a look at your health and mana bars? Notice any wording?
Ot the tip of your bodkin... Bent..on purpose.
Yeah I've seen the green guy also.... He spawns by belly
The green guy? is he a rare spawn? Is it icelord or winterking?

Re: celtic heroes rare bosses

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:46 pm
by Croquette
that's interesting, these are certainly way rarer than icelord, trueflight and so on. I have never heard about them.. please post pics it looks very awesome.

I guess I will continue to dream about it atm lol.

PS: for pink uni, are you talking about crystalhorn or another one?

Re: celtic heroes rare bosses

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:26 pm
by wifi124
I believe crystalhorn