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my buying list

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:16 am
by sharpshooter
hi its sharp again and these r some of the things that i am buying altho some of them r out of my range because i am sort of poor atm, just bought gold blade ice on rogue :/

i want

for warrior im thinking of going back to him
gold helm bloodlust :D - a bit out of my range
dragon frags
elm frags
crown frags
mind slates
red space
whatever the item is that i need for astral body? i dont kno what it is :/

for ranger
frost orbs
yellow hawks
yellow stags
gold helm bloodlust :D - a bit out of my range

for rogue
gold helm bloodlust :D - a bit out of my range
higher pierce damage bracelets then 4

for druid
masters grimore
natures touch rings

for mage
dont really want anything
i dont like being mages altho useful in game

i dont care much for -MY- mage and druid because i dont use them much, in fact my rangers heal is higher then my druids
altho i dont like mine they r really cool in game as friends but just not class for me
no offence to mages and druids i kno we need u :)

Re: my buying list

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:48 am
by sharpshooter
if anyone has any of these things and r willing to sell me cheapish for the better items and normal for less expensive then i plz reply and i will try to talk to u asap in game

Re: my buying list

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:38 am
by sharpshooter
cmon tell me some of u guys have something i want to buy