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Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:30 pm
by Doldruid
Tell your most embarrasing thing that ever happened to you on CH.
Ill start with mine: I saw two people in the castle with a really nice lutes. So i tried to be nice and say " you two have nice lutes" but i accidentally typed a 'g' so it came out like " you two have nice glutes". The whole castle got quiet at that moment.
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:02 pm
by shydiot
it's when I tried to shout and I forgot caps and I was LIEK *** *** of a *** shirt of shirt and I wish it never ever ever happens again because it happened in a whisper too wowwwww *** *** it was just terrible I felt like I wonted to suicide and everything I had to call my mother because I was literally crying for real 9999999% and then they almost took me to hospital because I kept crying and so I couldn't breathe wowww shirttt hhhhhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHH and hhhhhhhhhh again hhhhhhhhhhh then doctors arrive and they are LIEK HAHAHAHAHAHAH you look idiot we won't help you *** *** and these *** go away and drink their coffee I will never forget this day and finally after thousands of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dyed but its OKO because it was only coma not dye for real I'm not that STUPIT you know or maybe I dyed but I don't remember its as simple as that
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:59 pm
by Doldruid
it's when I tried to shout and I forgot caps and I was LIEK ****** **** of a **** shirt of shirt and I wish it never ever ever happens again because it happened in a whisper too wowwwww ****** **** it was just terrible I felt like I wonted to suicide and everything I had to call my mother because I was literally crying for real 9999999% and then they almost took me to hospital because I kept crying and so I couldn't breathe wowww shirttt hhhhhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHH and hhhhhhhhhh again hhhhhhhhhhh then doctors arrive and they are LIEK HAHAHAHAHAHAH you look idiot we won't help you ****** **** and these ******** go away and drink their coffee I will never forget this day and finally after thousands of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dyed but its OKO because it was only coma not dye for real I'm not that STUPIT you know or maybe I dyed but I don't remember its as simple as that
oh um nice story
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:03 am
by shydiot
thx <3
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:57 am
by Orangefroggy
it's when I tried to shout and I forgot caps and I was LIEK ****** **** of a **** shirt of shirt and I wish it never ever ever happens again because it happened in a whisper too wowwwww ****** **** it was just terrible I felt like I wonted to suicide and everything I had to call my mother because I was literally crying for real 9999999% and then they almost took me to hospital because I kept crying and so I couldn't breathe wowww shirttt hhhhhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHH and hhhhhhhhhh again hhhhhhhhhhh then doctors arrive and they are LIEK HAHAHAHAHAHAH you look idiot we won't help you ****** **** and these ******** go away and drink their coffee I will never forget this day and finally after thousands of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dyed but its OKO because it was only coma not dye for real I'm not that STUPIT you know or maybe I dyed but I don't remember its as simple as that
Its going to be hard to top that one.
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:08 am
by Piilys
it's when I tried to shout and I forgot caps and I was LIEK ****** **** of a **** shirt of shirt and I wish it never ever ever happens again because it happened in a whisper too wowwwww ****** **** it was just terrible I felt like I wonted to suicide and everything I had to call my mother because I was literally crying for real 9999999% and then they almost took me to hospital because I kept crying and so I couldn't breathe wowww shirttt hhhhhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHH and hhhhhhhhhh again hhhhhhhhhhh then doctors arrive and they are LIEK HAHAHAHAHAHAH you look idiot we won't help you ****** **** and these ******** go away and drink their coffee I will never forget this day and finally after thousands of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dyed but its OKO because it was only coma not dye for real I'm not that STUPIT you know or maybe I dyed but I don't remember its as simple as that
Can you sum it up lol?
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:50 am
by Armo
it's when I tried to shout and I forgot caps and I was LIEK ****** **** of a **** shirt of shirt and I wish it never ever ever happens again because it happened in a whisper too wowwwww ****** **** it was just terrible I felt like I wonted to suicide and everything I had to call my mother because I was literally crying for real 9999999% and then they almost took me to hospital because I kept crying and so I couldn't breathe wowww shirttt hhhhhhhh hhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHH and hhhhhhhhhh again hhhhhhhhhhh then doctors arrive and they are LIEK HAHAHAHAHAHAH you look idiot we won't help you ****** **** and these ******** go away and drink their coffee I will never forget this day and finally after thousands of hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I dyed but its OKO because it was only coma not dye for real I'm not that STUPIT you know or maybe I dyed but I don't remember its as simple as that
I tried to come up with a normal reply to this, but I just couldn't. XD
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:07 pm
by Voldemort
We're going off-topic here. Please stick with embarrassing stories!
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:03 pm
by The(Server)
Vold why not move this to General disc r Offtopic?
Re: Embarrassing CH stories :)
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:37 pm
by joshanu
MMMMM one time i was advertise to join my clan whorreisland and mieEEEEROCKs said vossie should join I agree mmMmmm I come over to him try act cool Mm b,mmmmmm. And raphaelaaaa killed me with fireball mmm in front of vossie I GOT SO EMBERESED I ******** ******* **** CANT BELIEVE THE ***** ******** OF ******* mmmMmm SO EMBERESING I cry to my best bro mayoneaise and newton and jack0000 AND WE KILL RUDIE OF ***** MMM SO EMBERESING TO BE KILL BY RAPHALLAAA IM IM IM IM A BOSS ASS **** **** **** *** MMM so yes very emebres *****kkkkk Mm mmm lastcall is **** I got so embrresint I cough the wall into two piece of **** eat the cat of ****
ps srry I switch to azerty keyboard