SCAMMER "using lilys char". "SPIRIT HEALER".
#1hi guys its me archilles/pain, two days ago when me and a group was fighting fellfire, spirithealer loged in to poisonlily and askd me if he could trade the winterking dagger im using for a icelord and cash, i said its not mine, and i told him it belongs to archilles, which is also me, at the time i was using two apps. anyway he asked me on archilles, i said for 500k. lol. so he didnt reply. few celtic minutes later, he made and account called archillesrogu and pmd me. " hey this is archilles, i made this rouge to try out the dagger, give it back to me quick". i lookd on area, it was a lvl 1 rogue. lol so i pmd emp as the dagger belongs him, and told him about the whole story .only poisonlily thinks the dagger belongs to archilles, i have not said that to anyone else. so it would have to be him. and then he just keepd on goin and goin saying hes archilles and admin, he wil bann all of us if we dont give him our gear. tryed to scam emps ammulet. emp found him standing at north road just infront of shalemont (hard to find), so we all went there to confront him, i loged on arch and went in front of him and said "just stop, u pathetic dum fk". and he start to pretend not to speak english, sayin "i iz i iz". all of a sudden spirithealer came to northroad, and said who said i scammed, i didnt scam, but noone even said anything. so obiouvsly he is playing dum and prety much owe up to it. so just want everyone to know. becareful, sorry for the looooooonnnng post. lol have a greatday and gl on drops . peace!