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diamond dagger

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:26 am
by brock
hey guys 5harp again,

i have gotten myself a diamond dagger in the past, from previous version of game,
i was just wondering about the price for one of these now,

it has the same stats and adds as the opal dagger,
although is only lvl 80 requirement instead of 100

i also have the diamond bp (ranger, rogue and warrior) and diamond sword (warrior, DUH!!!)
altho i am not wanting to sell these just yet i was also wondering prices for these for when i might want to sell up

the diamond bp stats and adds r better then the opal armor and 20 lvls requirement lower
adding 20 to two stats instead of 18, and adding a small amount of more armor
(for mage adds 40 focus tho, not 20 of two different stats, altho still dont have mage)

thanks guys for ur input on any of my topics they all help me out one way or another (what to do, or what not to do)


Re: diamond dagger

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:03 am
by LastCall

Re: diamond dagger

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:12 pm
by brock
this topic includes diamond dagger, diamond sword, rogue diamond bp, ranger diamond bp, warrior diamond bp