Thinking about quitting..
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:22 pm
Hey guys, is Bestguardian, if you don't know me if cool and if you know me that's great. As you could from the title, Im thinking about quitting, and I have lots of reason personally, so if you disagree, is cool because I take all opinions. Number one, is getting boring... from the way you kill mobs to the way you exp and level... is ridiculous, you NEED elixers and things in order to level up when you hit probably 100, or else it takes ages. Second, is about the players, I don't want to mention names because it will just cause chaos and dramas, but people are just so busy leveling up and do all the crazy things that high levels will do. When my friend irl (Sneakmonkey) first introduced me to this game, I thought everyone would have fun and talk and interact, and it was, and it was great. However, after the update 2 or 3, when all the new maps came out, people started leveling like crazy... I mean, Im not saying that's bad, but it had changed my way of playing enormously. Lastly, this doesn't do anything to the game but to my personal life. Im very busy w/ sports and exams and school in general, so I don't have time to get on often. When I do, all I hear is selling etc... buying etc... Is not my type of playing, Im not bragging or anything, but is just one of my reason about thinking to quit the game. Thank you for your time, totally appreciated, and have a good day.
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