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Attention Crom!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:14 pm
by Late
This is a "for your information" as some of you know I'm "taking a break" and as I was taking "the break" I also deleted my accounts the following names Isolate(Druid) , Solate(Mage) , Late(Rogue). Some have asked me why is their a Isolate(Ranger)? I'm claiming that Isolate isn't me as you know Desolate is my one and only ranger so if this "Isolate" is doing anything wrong know that it isn't me. Like I have said this is a "for your information" and another is Desolate is my only account now I might bring those I've deleted back but as you can see one is already taken so that might not be a choice. New names I guess now. I have warned you guys/gals this isn't me. (If it was me I'd be twice as rich). :lol:

(Might play on android so hope to see you guys there! A name hasn't came to mind yet but when it does I'll tell). :D