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selling items

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:34 am
by ma1dan
selling lots of items:
white/black/purple sparkling yule hats 2012
black party hat 2012
imperial glowing pitchfork
white/black candycanes
purple snowbound candycane (100 cold damage plus proc chance, up to 1000 dmg)
witches hat 2011
avalanche sled 5%
sultans carpet 70%
spectral talisman of midnight
ymir/winter king staff
winter king mallet
askold mallet
superior bow of the hawk lvl 115 req
master staff of the grove/stars
white/black huntsman masks
sword/mace/dagger of the grove
midsummer set
connacht magus skirt/gloves/boots
connacht pathfinder/vanquisher gloves
sparkling black dread mask of midnight lvl 100 req
IGN furi0us

mail me in game if u are interested in anything