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How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:48 am
by PixelRage
G'day fellow cromlians Pixel here and i have always noticed that rogue and warrior are a very popular class in this game i see quite a few rangers too but mages i am seeing less of and druids are hard to come buy now (well a good druid). Why is it that druid are a less played class? is it of their skills because they don't have good attack damage? or do people just not want to be sitting around healing all day while other people are up close killing everything. because a druid can sometimes do that not like a warrior or rogue but i would like to know your input on why you would/wouldn't play a druid thanks


Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:53 am
by Starlette
Ive had several druids all were alls heals my prob was could never find a lvlin buddy.. Thats y i left druid behind.. Love druids jus never could lvl em:|

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:29 am
by PurpleRain
Ive had several druids all were alls heals my prob was could never find a lvlin buddy.. Thats y i left druid behind.. Love druids jus never could lvl em:|
I got to 107 and 100 with this same issue. I had no problem still lvling it solo just was slower. Also not as fun as with a partner.

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:19 am
by Heroskill
I have 4 druids ._. 2 lvl 50+ and 2 lvl 120+ ._.

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:25 pm
by Kartier
Druids are very slow levelers unless you have lot of gold and xp lixes and plan to solo and even then solo leveling is difficult. No one wants to level with them because people think they dont do lot of damage, which is false. A problem is more than one druid is usually not needed in a level group as only one vines and bees can be cast on a mob leaving only strike and storm for any remaining druids to do dps. They are fun once you reach higher levels but getting there is difficult and lonesome. To add to their leveling problems, energy issues are outrageous. Worst class even more so i think than mages as druid energy harvest skill is useless skill to put points in. If maxed it may restore energy from one of your skills. Hope that clarifies why there are so few druids out there.

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:35 pm
by Fractured
Druids are difficult though IMO they are the most valuable class. I think people don't know how much druids are needed forcing them to level solo which (as previously mentioned) is very slow. I usually play on Arawn but am thinking about transferring to crom... Arawn has heaps of druids so if crom seems to be lacking them maybe Ill create one :)

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:32 pm
by Savaged1982
Druids are difficult though IMO they are the most valuable class. I think people don't know how much druids are needed forcing them to level solo which (as previously mentioned) is very slow. I usually play on Arawn but am thinking about transferring to crom... Arawn has heaps of druids so if crom seems to be lacking them maybe Ill create one :)
There is a couple of people looking to move from crom to arawn so now is a good time do make that move... I can help with the server trade if you like... Im usually on after 7pm for a couple of hours (9pm this week) (nz time)

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:24 pm
by Armo
I personally could not stand how bad their damage to energy usage ratio was. Even with a decent amount of sigils I still found myself running out of energy very fast as a DPS class. If you're full support, people tend to now want to level with you due to mobs not being killed quicker and you can be replaced by lixes or pots.

Re: How Many Druids Out There?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:50 pm
by Heroskill
I personally could not stand how bad their damage to energy usage ratio was. Even with a decent amount of sigils I still found myself running out of energy very fast as a DPS class. If you're full support, people tend to now want to level with you due to mobs not being killed quicker and you can be replaced by lixes or pots.
no no no no no! Druids are best with their damage! I kill lvl 180+ in arena on herne! Its fun fun fun fun fun!!!!! Swarm and energy harvest to op ._.