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Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 9:47 am
by irok220
hey guys,
just found myself with some stuff Im wanting to get my hands on and some stuff I dont want anymore, but others may
(I dont kno the prices on some things so if u guys can help me out)


rogue aggy bracelet (need prices)
adamant dagger - paying all gold - PLEASE I WANT ADAMANT DAGGER
adamant rogue bp - maybe...
event lux ammy - I dont kno which yet, but if u guys let me kno whats up for sale that could help (need prices)
80% mount (need prices)
haste ring - maybe...
purple crests - mostly: 1 serpent, 2 hounds, 1 hawk - maybe: 2 stags, 2 bears, 2 lions (need prices on all)
frost orbs
a charm - idk what yet, but my charm is pretty lame atm
BLUE GLENMOR BODY AND BOOTS!!! - please I want to complete my set (need prices)


diamond dagger (need prices)
diamond rogue bp (need prices)
all sorts of frags, rems and tabs - let me kno which u need
heroic gloves of haste - maybe... (only if I get haste ring)
heroic boots of speed - maybe... (only if I get mount)
heroic amulet - maybe... (only if I get event lux ammy)
green glenmor legs (need prices)
pink glenmor legs (need prices)
yellow glenmor (sparkly) body and hat (need prices)

thats all I can think of now, I might post later if I am wanting to find or sell anything else :D :) :D :)

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:09 pm
by Benhack
What's your in game name

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:05 pm
by Ventius
Hehe it's sharpxrogue i believe

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:46 pm
by Shadowbolt2
I'll buy hero ammy depending on price you want.

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:08 pm
by PixelRage
How much for green glenmor legs?

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:31 am
by irok220
Yea ign is 5harpxrogue
I'll buy hero ammy depending on price you want.
Im only selling hero ammy if i get better
How much for green glenmor legs?
Offer, idk price i might try and find that out 1st

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:12 pm
by irok220
I have decided that the lux ammy i want to try and buy is:
Icecrystal pendant of the north winds

Which i believe adds 100 dex
Energy regen (idk how much)
Skill: 600 dmg energy shield
And some other stuff that im not sure about

So if anyone may have 1 of those amulets then i am looking to buy :)

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:25 am
by irok220
I have decided that the lux ammy i want to try and buy is:
Icecrystal pendant of the north winds

Which i believe adds 100 dex
Energy regen (idk how much)
Skill: 600 dmg energy shield
And some other stuff that im not sure about

So if anyone may have 1 of those amulets then i am looking to buy :)
I have found a seller of the icecrystal pendent, now i am looking to sell that stuff i was wanting to, to make up the $ for the amulet

Also i was wondering what a good price for the amulet is
Does 50 energy regen
Skill: 500 dmg shield
100 dex
50 energy
Lvl 100 req

Would 650k be a good offer
It used to me 1mil from shop

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:52 am
by Shadowbolt2
Sry not looking for hero ammy anymore

Re: buying/selling

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:56 am
by irok220
Im now selling gold blade of ice
Pm me in game, 5harpxrogue