Selling and buying
Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:19 pm
Tailsman of earth 270k
heroic ammy 155k
Resto pots 200g each (1000 for 185k) 4K AVAILABLE
Ancient idols 250g each --3K AVAILABLE
3X80% mounts 170K each all for 480k
Selling 60% event mount 160k
red coven hat
black wylewood hat
black wylewood pants
purple wylewood top
black russet tower charm (Rarest)
white wyle wood set 150k
buying white spider silk top 50k
Buying white admair set 150k
buying a level 100 event ring that adds strength paying 280k
reply here if you want anything or selling
Tailsman of earth 270k
heroic ammy 155k
Resto pots 200g each (1000 for 185k) 4K AVAILABLE
Ancient idols 250g each --3K AVAILABLE
3X80% mounts 170K each all for 480k
Selling 60% event mount 160k
red coven hat
black wylewood hat
black wylewood pants
purple wylewood top
black russet tower charm (Rarest)
white wyle wood set 150k
buying white spider silk top 50k
Buying white admair set 150k
buying a level 100 event ring that adds strength paying 280k
reply here if you want anything or selling