#9Oh no, so scared of losing swampy here and there lol. On a more serious note though, welcome to the server.They will be getting less frozen drops very soon though lol. Noone can beat my rogue more than once or twice in a day.Seed will never die
Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
Shadow Bolt- 82 Druid
Raganos- 100 Warrior
World: Crom
Proud member of Seed
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
Shadow Bolt- 82 Druid
Raganos- 100 Warrior
World: Crom
Proud member of Seed
#10Thanks. Way too many greedy people on Lir. Have gotten help on crom without asking so that is refreshing. Was kidding though. Only those selling drops or need frozen really care about frozen. As a matter of fact i have come across quite a few frozen bosses being left unattended just cant kill 6 star bosses yet so had to let them go.Oh no, so scared of losing swampy here and there lol. On a more serious note though, welcome to the server.They will be getting less frozen drops very soon though lol. Noone can beat my rogue more than once or twice in a day.Seed will never die
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.