How we bid:
to start a bid, take ss of the drop u need and then write like this example:
This xxx is auctioned by "youre name" for minimun bid of 20 dkp and will last for 24hours. if u are interested also comment your bid below.
This means: u can bid from min 00:01 till 24:00.
"DKP" are given for killed bosses:
5 DKP: Crag 5*
15 DKP: Rev 5*, Unox 5*,Crag 6*
20 DKP: Sreng 6*, Snorri 6*, Lich, Reaver
25 DKP: Rev 6*, Unox 6*
40 DKP: Hrung
50 DKP: Mordy
60 DKP: Necro
10 PKP: Proteus Base
20 PKP: Proteus Prime
20 AKP: Gelebron
20 BKP: BT
For communication and distribution of things between players the program "band"is used.

We use CH Floe's timer for bosses.