Don't join lir their just a bunch of emotional babys you do one thing they don't like they wont forgive you so all that time you put in the game and done for them goes away becareful if you ever join.
What's your characters name? I'd really like to know cause all I'm hearing is a bunch of bs. I'm no baby and I help everyone and so does everyone else on lir.Coming on the forum to talk thats a true baby who clearly wants some attention
Wait this is ninja huh? Lol......sexually harassing me in clan disgust make up lies to turn ppl against eachother and piss everyone off...glad your gone good luck on balor
First off, I never did anything to him.....he hates me cause I ignore him now....I'm not gonna get into detail what he said to me but it was under the the lines of sexual harassment and in front of the whole clan. Second still haven't said you characters name ...obviously your too afraid to be confronted about it...coming and whining on the forum isn't gonna help your image lol just makes more players hate you and admin will eventually confront you for harassment.