Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Peace on Donn

Well this was an interesting read to say the least. I'm not a mud-slinger and I certainly have no enemies in life. I will speak on behalf of myself for my clan Concordiia. You can hate me, Scar, our clan for whatever you choose to believe. You can talk trash in game, on forums and wherever you feel the need to. I care not for your gaming experience. I care not for your gear. I care not for your DL & EDL bank status. I only care for my clanmates and the family atmosphere therein. I don't SS vulgar talk, griefing, botting, account sharing, or any of that BS. I play as a release from the stresses of life. I take care of me and my attitude. And from my point of view, this server is a microcosm of real life. You have nice people & jackwagons. To attempt to control anyone else or their thoughts & actions is a waste of time. I will go on record as saying that Scar is undoubetly the most genuine and caring person I have met in any MMO. He gives tons and takes little. To say anything contrary to this is simply an uninformed statement by soneone who doesn't have facts on their side. Period.

Love you all. Yes you too Dova :)

-Harold Clam III

Re: Peace on Donn

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