Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Drama drama drama

dovakin707 stop stalking me in the game its pathetic

Lol I don't stalk you let alone even talk to you....you rip off Clans and ppl then play victim

Re: Drama drama drama

plus it helps to block the people that harrass you constantly even when unprovoked ^^
It's funny how you say this you weren't apart of the topic or brought up at all.....so now u say that....then play innocent again....seriously just stay out of the situation you don't have to get into it....and if u start saying comments like that then why play innocent when ppl call you out

Re: Drama drama drama

who are u to tell me what to do? and i stated that because i had to block you in game. because you were messaging me harrassing comments...its been peaceful since then for me. so stop addressing me. period. end of story. youre obsession is unhealthy.

Re: Drama drama drama

who are u to tell me what to do? and i stated that because i had to block you in game. because you were messaging me harrassing comments...its been peaceful since then for me. so stop addressing me. period. end of story. youre obsession is unhealthy.

Lol ok vilas I haven't talked to you in months....nor have I harassed you....you used to claim that you hate scar now you love him....hippocritical much?

Re: Drama drama drama

i never hated scar nor do i hate you as this is a game..i just listened to rumors that were spread before and now ive formed my own opinion. this is my last response to you. im sure u will pipe up again as u seem to need the last word. get your facts straight and leave me the **** alone. i have a ss of u harrassing me 3 days ago hence the reason why you are blocked now.

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