Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: RP

I guess some would do that. But, good lord, between work, family, errands, and other real life stuff, the last thing I want to do is come up with some autobiography and memorize phrasings and words of another era. I just want to play for a little bit here and there.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: RP

Role Playing is a lost gaming art. It was quite popular in the lates 90s. These days, MMO players simply just want to hack and slash and chat. Quite obvious when responders don't even know what it means lol.

Unfortunately even in games with RP servers, it is tough to find a server with good RP players. Most of them are simply wannabes with their thees and thous. :lol:

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: RP

Zyz, you don't have to do that much work to have fun roleplaying. You can make light to serious charachters, some people even willing to help write for you. And nothing wrong with dialogue in a more modern manner, just like our npcs do. And that's very true that its a lost art in some games but there are still places to do it. I think Celtic heroes would be a great setting for it if anyone is interested. I'm an artist and a writer and could even help that way, inspiring people toward creating stories with their friends by drawing their characters for them and helping them develop ideas. Especially for people that find the more serious aspects overwhelming.

Re: RP

I used to play an MMO where one of the players on the server rarely ever broke character. It was actually pretty fun grouping with the guy because he did it well, and it was amusing. Everyone else just hacked / slashed mobs and chatted normally. This guy never broke character of the noble paladin sworn to to goddess of whats-her-face that he would vanquish all evil from the land in the name of his Goddess.

I was shocked the first time he spoke out of character. I was in the same guild as this guy for ever a year before he broke character
215+ Druid
220+ Mage
220+ Warrior
220+ Rogue
215+ Ranger

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