Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

We be coming._.

Me n doop gonna come to donn once dbl plat hits next week.-. We'll be looking to buy the following so save em for us pwz._.
Firestorm skill x2
fire attune skill x2
Royal grand greater lesser fire attune rings x2
Royal fire bolt ring x2
Royal firestorm ring x2
Royal fire lure ring x2
Aggy braces (firebolt preferred) braces x2
Samhain lvl 100 ammies (not lux,boss ones) x2
Focus of seer x2
Aggy grims(fire preferred) x2
ostara event charms (firebolt reduc) x2
We'll be selling hastes too._.

U can find us on Friday/Saturday/sunday next week, our char names are still undecided so I'll post here wen we decide._.
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


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