-Download the 'BAND' app from the play store
- Create an account
- Type 'donn' into the search bar and you'll find the auction house with like 20 members and counting
- Join!

This is a place to just buy/sell/trade items- nothing else. It has only been up for about a week so give it time to pick up and accumulate a greater following. Clan drama is not tolerated- everyone is welcome to post what they're buying or selling here. This band has been created for the sole purpose of lifting Donn's economy. Instead of standing in castle, shouting everything you're selling or buying- just hoping 1 of the 10-20 people are interested- you can just post it in the auction house then get back to the game.
Balor has had a thriving auction house for a long time and I can't even imagine what that place would be like without it. If you have any questions ask here or message 'moxxi' on donn c: