Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Donn Auction House- Everyone is welcome!

An auction house for donn has been created recently. If you would like to join then here are the simple steps:

-Download the 'BAND' app from the play store
- Create an account
- Type 'donn' into the search bar and you'll find the auction house with like 20 members and counting
- Join! :)

This is a place to just buy/sell/trade items- nothing else. It has only been up for about a week so give it time to pick up and accumulate a greater following. Clan drama is not tolerated- everyone is welcome to post what they're buying or selling here. This band has been created for the sole purpose of lifting Donn's economy. Instead of standing in castle, shouting everything you're selling or buying- just hoping 1 of the 10-20 people are interested- you can just post it in the auction house then get back to the game.

Balor has had a thriving auction house for a long time and I can't even imagine what that place would be like without it. If you have any questions ask here or message 'moxxi' on donn c:

Re: Donn Auction House- Everyone is welcome!

Donns economy has been prett good without an auction house bud :D
Ive been back on Donn for less than a month and it didnt take long for me to realise that the economy was seriously crippled without an auction house.

Maybe its because im comparing it's economy with Balor which had an auction house for as long as i can remember.

It feels as if vendoring lux and buying straight from vendor is the norm on Donn where you have to shout in castle or carrow for items you want to buy or sell. One of the many advantages of an Auction House is the amount of time it saves you. You dont have to stop lixing or bossing because you can simply make a post on band and get back to what you were doing. A lot of people don't have the time or patience to stand around castle peddling their wares and I know there are several people on each server that are well-known to just be hanging around castle doing exactly that.

Im not shoving this motion of joining 'BAND' down anyones throat; I'm suggesting a convenient alternative to getting the items you need or the gold for the items you don't need. I wasn't around when Balor's auction house first sprung up but if it started out like this with a few people such as myself putting forth the effort of getting a decent amount of players to join then the outcome is well worth it.

Re: Donn Auction House- Everyone is welcome!

Yeah des especially when u charge 450 for 1 resto lmao
Lol ye right but I don't think we really need an auction house the Donn economy is very robust and I would know :)
It's not robust at all. Most players have to sit around in castle shouting they are wanting to buy an item or they are selling an item and hope you catch that person buying or selling when you're on. This isn't robust or effective.

Myself and a number of others just vendor stuff rather than sit around in game trying to sell stuff. An auction house makes buying and selling so easy and you dont have to sit around in game to do it.

An ingame auction house would be even better but prob will never happen.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Donn Auction House- Everyone is welcome!

Yeah, at this point I'm just vendor ing the event lux and main/offhands I outgrow. Of course I try selling them in carrow or castle but I don't have the patience for it and the ppl that are actually interested ask me to wait a few days and never come up with the gold. I guess I'm expecting too much when all I wanna do is boss and lix and have a buyer/seller for my items whenever the time comes.

Re: Donn Auction House- Everyone is welcome!

I don't mind having a band thing and I'm trying it out too but castle is still the best place for trade and I do many trades issue many loans mostly collaterlized loans very few without underlying assets (if any). I think the castle is just fine for buying and selling and if you are just going to vendor there are always buyers I would know I trade a lot they come.

Re: Donn Auction House- Everyone is welcome!

I don't mind having a band thing and I'm trying it out too but castle is still the best place for trade and I do many trades issue many loans mostly collaterlized loans very few without underlying assets (if any). I think the castle is just fine for buying and selling and if you are just going to vendor there are always buyers I would know I trade a lot they come.
Let me give you an example of two players right now that have wasted a lot of time doing as you suggested. One is trying to sell a lvl 100 axe and one is trying to sell a boar. They've spent the last two days sitting in castle and running from area to area shouting they were selling these items. Another player has been trying to buy backpack expansions. These players have wasted a lot of time trying to do as you suggested.

It's fine for you because all your only goal in the game is to be a merchant. I and most players do not want to sit in the castle and shout over and over again that were buying or selling something. This is an absolute waste of game time for most.

But an auction house removes this. You post what you're buying and selling and you're free to kill bosses or lix or do bounties or do real life stuff.

Using the castle is fine if you're a castle dweller. But if you're looking to progress in the game then that method sucks.

The exception to this is plat items. But plat items sell themself
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

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