Re: I'm curious about danu; greeting from rosmerta
#31Solid, I like that idea. The game should include a high tower people can jump off.
Primes rules on rolling for drops is if its all class iteam we roll only if there's more than one grp involved in the fight.Rolling for boss drops imo is stupid, but there are some exceptions. Like if more than one person needs the drop like say discs or tabs or something, But if its something maybe rare then it should just stay with who got it cause its random and if you dont want someone certain to get it dont let in group or maybe it should be given for clan use or something.
For ur 1st, The "leaderboard" isn't exactly all that accurate all the time, and you do realize that Nitro is a big clan, and if there're alot of low lvls it's going to kill the avg. despite it having several ppl higher than i actually do know what im talking about theres a thing called leaderboards where you can check whose in what clan and what level. secoundly deathreaver clearly has enough time to post on every topic on all the servers in the forums practically but he can level? 3rd i dont play all the time. 4th he said he uses regen lix and 20 restos to kill=5k 5th ik the game is less important than real life i barley play it
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