The only political pundit, as you put it, is you Baison. Your rhetoric doesn't improve anything and in all honesty, it makes me want to try less.
While I expected this from you Queefmagnet, I cannot blame you. This confirms that you are so blinded by clan bias you cannot see the truth. Here your ignorance serves a comforting blanket a child uses when faced of the fear of the dark while trying to go to sleep.
The idea of change is frightening, to admit wrongdoings does not feel good, but it is necessary to achieve change. I do not appreciate the name-calling and insults, but I am also proud of your reaction because it confirms that my text has moved you.
That being said, at the risk of sound arrogant, I will show you what I believe you are blinded by seeing, and what Blaz and Cheech who ruled before you could see.
To see Danu problems as issues between Kudos/Nitro and Prime/Ascension is a surface and shallow perspective. The real problem is the 1. migration of players between the two and the learned conduct that is reciprocating between the two and the animosity between the two factions and 2. what this affect has on the rest of the server.
The first instance of resetting has claimed to be exercised by ________ , from your faction who is featured in the journal on the most wanted list under the fake name as Skrillex. This tactic introduced the idea of bending the games glitches for gain for ones clan.
Here, one can argue that this toon is at fault, but someone with a higher level of intellect can see that this toon was trying to help ones clan. Therefore the real culprit is the clan itself, as it created the conditions for one to act in this manner. Still blame is casted so much around I am too intellectually resolved to let the idea of blame allow me to validate bad conduct, like 99 percent of Danu.
This same toon was then released by your clan due to breaking some sort of conduct rule. At a very powerful level, he carries the DPS and the knowledge of the skill, and now it bleeds (the act of resets) out of your clan and into the server. This toon now becomes a free agent and is recruited into the second clan.
This migration process has happened many, many times, with many many players, which I won’t name so the thread does not get the lock hammer from Morgana. Meaning a member of your clan, known for devious tactics that was fostered in your ranks, gets kicked, not for resets, but for something like selling loot, and in competition is recruited in the second clan. This is the first direction of the migration.
The second direction of migration, which is much, much larger in number, is from the second faction, my faction to your clan, This reasons being is twofold. 1. Because accepting a clan member that used to be your clan to my clan, known for reset tactics is difficult for those who have suffer from resets and blames that person, we get upset and leave. 2. My faction and clan have very large issues with organization. Decisions have been made, without democracy in mind, because since we are weaker, my generals believe DPS is needed over clan togetherness, in short, we have been trying to, and barely managing to survive for the last 4 events.My Chief also believes that everyone deserves a chance to create a second impression, or a chance to change. These reasons are painful for loyalist like me, because I agree with giving ppl chances, but I dislike ppl who use dishonorable tactics.
Let me paraphrase this so you understand this Queefmagnet. It is important for you grasp this migration before the next step of expplaination. Clan A is your faction. Clan B is my faction.
Clan A – Your clan
More powerful
Exercised resets as a tactic to gain more gear
When I spoke to Blaz about this, his reply was the gloves were off due to Unbreakables denying alliance during V2.
Kicks members for breaking rules like selling loot, bad language etc.
Kicked members have bad reputation for exercising resets
Clan B recruits kicked Clan A member to increase DPS
Clan B members upset by this go to Clan A
Clan B members go to Clan A in pursuit of better organization and clan togetherness, pursuit of better gear
Clan B My clan
Less powerful
Exercises resets, mostly in vain and spite facing extinction
Accepts kicked Clan A members in authoritative fashion in order to survive lacking DPS
Learns Clan A tactics of resets and exercises them amateurishly
Loses members to Clan A because animosity between Kicked Clan A members accepted into Clan B.
Loses members to Clan A in pursuit of better gear and better organization, clan togetherness.
The Macro Scale of Danu is the migration of players between the two competing clans, both using resets for their own reasons. Someone who is deeply rooted in clan bias does not have eyes for this. Lvling without lix for so long made it so it was easy to see these migration waves back and forth. That being said, you should not be angry at my faction, you should be grateful, as Airees and Ink has providing you more members than you have and preprime has combine. Look at your clan roster and count how many Nitros are in your faction.
Ra explained this to me, I relayed this to Blaz. The two respected each other deeply.
Now re-read this before reading any further.
Step. 2. “The affect this has on the rest of the server”
I don't understand the constant pointing to an old post by RA that has very little bearing on the current state of Danu.
Before I explain Ra's post, it is probably better for you to grasp, why Step 1. Should be stopped at all. From your perspective and blinded by clan bias,this migration may look advantageous because you gain members while kicking members who break your rules. So why stop Step 1?
This requires understanding the word empathy. And re-reading Podatz retirement thread on what a player entering Danu sees as “Unhealthy Competition” It shocks me that Podatz has abandoned his own written text, but if I go on about that, this will end up being a flame thread.
When a Boggan is resetted by either clan, there usually a player there on both sides who is very close to achieving DL gear. She or he has camped for the duration. The losing clan and specifically the losing player gets upset, and is in despair, wondering if she or he is ever going to upgrade. Despondency ensues, but it is different and deeper, when it is from a reset.
The losing clan who loses due to lack of DPS can say to him or herself “I just need to get stronger, lvl wise, or change build, to compete hard.”
This is healthy competition. This idea that a player becoming stronger lvl wise, build wise, will increase ones chances of achieving gear.
When a boggan is taken by reset, the despondency is deeper because there is no other tactic other than to reset in return. This means if that player is not capable of resets, tremendous pressure is placed on classes (warriors etc.) who can reset on either side to exercise resets for their clan to get loot. I am saddened and not surprised I am the last main Warrior over 185 who has not reset.
This, Queef, is
unhealthy competition. This idea of exercising resets in order to advance. This breaks the functioning of the game.
Think back to your younger lvls in trying to kill the three scryers in lir reach solo for the initial quest.
One usually worked the original starting quest so well they met their first stopping point there and had to lvl up in order to kill the three scryers, here is healthly competition. Get stronger, come back and kill.
The affect of the change from health to unhealthy competition is captured in the the journal as entering the “resetting wars” meaning, prepare for the change in competition before it forces someone to just up and quit game or server.
The affect of this change is making people either quit, or move to another server.
Note: that the difference between Dorn, Ra and I between most others is grasping this concept early. We have no desire for loot over the survival of the server, in fact from lvl 150 to 175 I past on all DL items, trying to be like Ra and Dorn.
The reason why I stopped dialogue with Smeagle is his clan bias was so blind it brought out the worse in me. For a brief moment, I stooped down his level with insults. After apologizing, I feel safer just to leave him alone.
He will never understand this because he wholeheartedly believes resets are an intended game function.
When I first started playing in summer of that, torch event thing, the castle had over
30 ppl in on a daily basis, Please check the castle to see if that number exists.
The resets at at the top lvl and the clan war, has a trickle down effect to younger toons and they move elsewhere. It allows ppl to justify dishonorable tactics back and forth, so much that both clans have even gone so far as providing safe havens for members after they are caught committing scamming acts. Someone who is still stuck in clan bias can’t see this, yet it is painfully obvious and has already been reacted to by how many high lvl toons have worked their alts to high lvls. This is masking and accommodating the reality of the lack of new players in Danu. Danu is shrinking because leaders on both sides are validating dishonorable tactics in order to survive.
Note: That this thread is not about blame, the first place someone goes to when someone is caught by clan bias. This reaction solves nothing, it only falsely rationalize the conduct between both clans. This is about the conduct of high lvl toons have on the rest of the server. An example of clan bias flaming a thread can be viewed on the General forums about the “worse server ever” thread, where I wrote about the agony I faced being trolled by Ra's passing then killed in the arena, it was responded by "your clan did this and that" This sad attempt of rationalizing such wicked behavior was my tipping point. That day the Farmer started a new journey elsewhere.
When I explained this resetting war affect on Danu to Blaz he replied similar to you. Your quote:
A good leader will do what they need for the ones they lead. They won't bend to outside pressure to make a move that will,in the end, hurt their members
When I told Ra this, we came to conclusion that if
someone is stuck in clan war bias, they will work hard for their clan, so much that they will sacrifice the server for their clan. At first this seems admirable, but it will not seem so admirable when there is 4 ppl in the castle on the weekend, because someone "will do what they need for the ones they lead" Clearly, they are no room for Legends to grow out of they short sighted philosophy.
And that is what is happening, as when I started playing there were 5 competing clans, and now they are only 2. When there is only 1, we will pass the event horizon, and Danu will be in danger of collapsing. It will be then, where Danu is viewed as boring.
This is why I tried to create my core to come and help Prime on Mordris.
This has nothing to do with loot. My orders were to be no one say a word, just clear out the trolls and keep that lady behind Mordris in check while Prime kills the dragon and we would immediately leave the zone. An act so wild and unexpected that Prime would have to at the very least think about an alternative to the resetting wars.
Sadly, beyond Nitro I never made it to General and I had to own that as my fault and move on. Trust that my bitterness is in 360 degrees, your faction and my faction. Airees held me close, yet never trusted me to be a General beyond Nitro.
So lets take a look at that post Ra made, which would have been featured in the Journal as the Clan rules of my faction if I ever made General. Second paragraph.
To the old historic players: You guys hold the key, when you stand on honor and fairness people look up and see what you stand on and follow it with out question But when you faulter your dreams of the old days will soon run aground. Like it or not being old school player can mean you are the example of what was and what should be, you are the leader of today and could be for tomarrow if you so see it fit. When you guys fail to stand on the best ground it will seem all the world is a mist and order is out the door with no control and no hope for change. Making a great leader is not given to the weak but earned to the ones that can be followed.
Here, Ra breaks through the clan bias and frames it as older players influencing the younger players.
He claims if the older players act honorable, the younger players will follow. It naturally follows if we do not act honorable, the younger players will follow. Ra legend status here has exploded to Nostradamus proportions, as he predicts these level 100 warriors resetting in this pargraph, now younger toons are now mimicking older toons malapdaptive behavior.
Since the journals are dead, I can safely say that it would have been featured in it as “The Away Mandate” If this truly manifested, then "unhealthy competition " would die, and "healthy competition" would ensue, allowing more new players not to be struck so hard by this transition from health to unhealthy that they would go elsewhere.
During the brief treaty it worked so well that Danu collectively worked towards ridding scammers of Danu another problem of Danu. Note the progress made on the copycat thread. I have been fortunate to work directly with Morgana is destroying the many copycat Rockefellers. Things were changing.
Now that things are back to how they once were, my bitterness has ensued. But I can say that it is only here, I have seen Celtc Legends elsewhere. Who have experienced this and moved beyond. So coming back here I just haven’t the tolerance to see infantile posts with fake political acts of well being.
Resets are easy. I don’t do easy well. I rather tackle harder agendas like healthy competition. So as I said before, when leaders shed their cowardice, please mail me, so I may take you off block.
Warmly, Baison, the last high-end main warrior who hasn't tainted himself with Resets.