by Nith
Honestly when a rivalry or competition turns into hate and vengfulness everyone loses in the end. I've been in large guilds in every mmo i've ever been in and there has always been rivalries and competition between others for spawns/reliable members/first server kills. It can be beneficial by driving each party to push harder towards the goal. But what's been going on here lately is not helpful to anybody. People are leaving the clans and the server specifically because of this. I'm fairly certain that some people enjoy this sort of drama and I know for sure it can never be fixed. To much damage has been done, but there should be a live and let live rule or something atleast. You can't control everyone and like I said there will always be people who just get off on annoying other people but something should be attempted. I'm in Kudos now and was in nitro from when I started until recently. I have a lot of love for those guys, and I also have met a lot of good people in Prime/Ascension. I try and keep my distance from any drama as best I can but it seems like theres more and more tension. Play the game, back off if you lose a lock... live and let live. I just know the population is much lower than it used to be, the economy is much weaker, much less influx of items/lux into the market, and several of my closest in game friends are gone because of this. Also look... you went and upset sailor. shame on all of you!
also let me just add that this does happen in other games but OTMs mob ownership design is a huge influence on this situation. It's a very flawed design and leads to people being extremely petty and immature. But just because you can do it doesn't mean you should.