I do actually have a char on Danu lol Not lvl 100 yet tho.Xell, to be blunt and to the point, if you don't know the background between our clans and have never played in Danu, please don't assume things are "hate related"Excuse me,
Am I missing something? What is the point of this topic? I really dislike roaming the forums and locking every hate topic. Don't give me a hard time
There is literally nothing said in this topic that could be considered hatefull and that has not been said all over the forum since the start.
It is just about ksing between clans, it goes on all the time in all worlds.
Come, make a character on Danu, get to level 100, I will invite you to Prime, then you can see what is going on, then you can comment.
Have fun Xell
Edit: there is a report button if we need to use it to inform you of anything, let me know if you want me to test it for you :-)
Yes, this topic wasn't explicitly hateful, hence why I didn't lock it. Sounded like it could turn into a heated battle as to who KSes more and what clan is worse.