Hey everyone, CthulhuDwarf here.. (For those whom remember me)
I got a new IPod FINALLY...
But i logged on to Celtic heroes, and found that my actual account, CthulhuDwarf was deleted because i hadn't logged on in so long...
So i don't think i'll be playing Celtic Heroes again..
Level 70 Druid, gone!
Also, EVERYTHING has changed.. Idk what anything is anymore, and there's new items and quests, and i don't think i can start another lvl 1 druid or mage again..
Too time consuming and plus i'll just be another noob..
And i saw that the lvl cap was raised, and i saw a lvl 136. Now i believe it's just hopeless to start again.
Still debating on starting again..
I even sent a request to re-activate my account, but i haven't heard back in a few days..
Wasen't expecting all this to happen when i join back.
That's just depressing..
IF i do start back up playing again.. Would anyone help me get back to level 70...? Because i spent month getting there, and i don't want to work all that again for what i already had..
If i do start over again.. I'll be a Mage, because my Druid took forever to raise... idk.. this just sucks....
Re: I'm Back ... Maybe ...
#2Hey dude, this is Fuzz (Thresh) and that sucks dude... Complain 24/7 on General Discussion, bound to reactivate your account that way.
Level 85
Level 22
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
When life gives you Marr, RUN FOR THE HILLS xD
Level 85
Level 22
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
When life gives you Marr, RUN FOR THE HILLS xD
Re: I'm Back ... Maybe ...
#3Hey! Havent heard from you in forever.. Gosh i miss all my old friends on there...Hey dude, this is Fuzz (Thresh) and that sucks dude... Complain 24/7 on General Discussion, bound to reactivate your account that way.
But yeah, haha! I sent in a report like 3 days ago. Haven't heard back yet.. And i do NOT wanna relevel a mage.. Plus the Level Cap raised so now im twice as behind... lol.
Good idea though rofl.
CthulhuDwarf, Druid, 59, Danu.