So many things said the last weeks or months,
as i am no native speaker, i hope i get my thoughts right here into forum.
Defiant was at the time we foundet it, and a long time. Then Somar and me took a break, and some things went in the wrong direction. But as long Somar and me run defiant, there was no scamming, no blaming, no drama! We only let ppl join, we really trust. Then chosens startet with heavy plat using and they getting stronger and stronger. I really liked the battles between us and chosens. There was some hate but also allot respect! Then as some of both sides retire, or took a break, the others decide to close down the fate and work together in prime. At the beginning as i come back, i dislike how prime runs but this changed.
Lawsdog and Colby are well known scammers, we have a sayin, never trust someone who lied once.... So maybe they changed their behaviour over the time, but i never would trade with any of them couse they might scamm again... Also colby allways was blaming everyone whose not in unbreak. There are some really nice guys in unbreak too, but also allot ppl i really dislike. Unbreak members try to spread rumours about prime. I heard some of semperfi and other clans. Maybe its not complete unbreak, i bet its just a few ppl, that enjoy the drama, and maybe are pissed couse they got ksd one or several times.
The ksing thing... Well at my clanlesstime and at the time i travelled through several clans, the only clan that trys to ks me constantly was unbreak! So well i dislike Unbreak members in general, only a few proov to respect others and they earned my respect.
characters and accounts shouldnt be sold, or shared. in the old times i get offers from several ppl to share accounts with, but i allways declined. If i quit the game, all my toos quit with me. Maybe some friends get some of the items, but my chars will never be played by someone else! I know some ppl share and pay or got accounts, and i reported some of them to OtM but as nothing happend from admins, i think they don´t care as long they dont punish the sellers or buyers.
Maybe Prime and Unbreak should stop the shitstorms. Show each other a little respect, and battle about bosses as we do it each day
We have great players on both sides, maybe some with bad character, but that well, not all ppl are nice