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My idea for agga

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:46 pm
by Leagion
Idk if anyone has thought of these idea but ima say them just incase. so on my lil visits to agga ive found that if u have a camo charm theres a lil spot behind agga that you need 1 idol to get to, but once in there even without the camo charm ur far enough away from the mobs to attack you, so my idea is tht we get all the camo charms together, and just send in group after group to that spot using the camo charms intill everyone is there. this way we dont have like a mass grave yard of ppl laying around then as soon as they respawn with idol they dont get immediatly attacked by 3 wyverns and we can amass and plan it out, and we take a list of who gave camos so they cna get them back after fight. and idk what the situation with druids but it seems to melike all the druids are general in stats. my idea is to have each druid load skilll points into a specific stat. like one druid will do abundunce, one will do fire ward and so on, that way its not a bunch of decent buffs instead its all te buffs at there max power for the tank. and obviously each druid has there heal spells maxed.

idk if you guys have thought of this but these were just my ideas.
hope they help

Re: My idea for agga

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:50 pm
by Leagion
somthing i left out was alos to do that for mages have a certain mage max out cloak of fire another maxs lures and so on. so we can get good buffs on the tank.