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If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:39 pm
by HoenheimOfLight
High five bro, you've earned that one...

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:41 pm
by rouge1235
High five bro, you've earned that one...
Good for him!

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:46 pm
by Funnish
Wheres the damn like button, or the share button lmao

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:50 pm
by Cozakiller98
Haha thats so funny and i know why he has most deaths lol

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:28 pm
by Fromen
If you see dogma ive in high five

For the fastest running chicken on danu he knows how to run in high heels. When his shield burst or when he dieds to respawn .

To all players in forums unbrekable we dont wait or run if we need to died to get something done we do it is the way we do things , Just look a death and idol usage thats minimun $400 each of us . We dont force our clanmember to play support roles or take their drops to feed the high lvls the clan cough* like prime .

We dont take accounts of other players cough* like prime , we have a zero tolerance on share account or sell/trade of accounts. I personal kick any player who share his account or we have suspiction the he traded. Most of prime managment have 1 or 2 account from players who they said they quit. I dot think we need names or how those account have been obtain. Do we ?

We dont mod our files like the mages in primes to get mobs inside walls , we dont. Fool support on changing drops items on rare items , cough* white carpets , greater es sets for radiant sets cough* making then change the support policy . For the whole game .

We dont exploit glitchs and used triple buffs like you guys .

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:04 am
by Lawsdog222
Yep dogma hes finally cracked....its medication time :?

Is there a cure for MMO OCD player fascination ?

TO PRIME......

*INACTIVE ACCOUNT ALERT COMING* lvl154 ready to be sold on/or possibly fished in a couple of months !!!

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:08 am
by Galatic
Were not a clan that used 5000+ idols on Aggy that still took 90 minutes and another clans help

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:14 am
by Pretty_Entity
Were not a clan that used 5000+ idols on Aggy that still took 90 minutes and another clans help

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:21 am
by Blaz
[quote="Fromen"]If you see dogma ive in high five

For the fastest running chicken on danu he knows how to run in high heels. When his shield burst or when he dieds to respawn .

To all players in forums unbrekable we dont wait or run if we need to died to get something done we do it is the way we do things , Just look a death and idol usage thats minimun $400 each of us . We dont force our clanmember to play support roles or take their drops to feed the high lvls the clan cough* like prime .

We dont take accounts of other players cough* like prime , we have a zero tolerance on share account or sell/trade of accounts. I personal kick any player who share his account or we have suspiction the he traded. Most of prime managment have 1 or 2 account from players who they said they quit. I dot think we need names or how those account have been obtain. Do we ?

We dont mod our files like the mages in primes to get mobs inside walls , we dont. Fool support on changing drops items on rare items , cough* white carpets , greater es sets for radiant sets cough* making then change the support policy . For the whole game .

so is this the weed, alcohol or just stupidity talking here coz this looks like a cover of a book that when you see it you just know the rest of the hole book is going to suck as much as the cover does....

Re: If you see Lawsdog222 be sure to give him a high 5

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:25 am
by Vilicrex
Were not a clan that used 5000+ idols on Aggy that still took 90 minutes and another clans help
I love that show so much